<On Creation in school>
This should be an option in school. Darwinism is a religeon too. I am sorry but in the words of South Park....I am not derived from a retarded fish having but sex with a monkey creating me...a butt sex retard baby...I did not spawn from primortial soup or a monkey.....keep it up Florida...
All of you science based individuals are the ones who are closed minded..
Wait... you can spell "derived" and use it properly, but "butt," "religion," and "primordial" are too difficult?
Oh, wait, South Park reference AND Florida, that explains it.
Creation, should under no circumstances be taught in schools. It's Christian mythology; if taught as mythology there wouldn't be a problem, but it wouldn't be; it would be taught as fact whilst offering no empirical proof.
What next, "electricity; is a phenomemon of Gods doing, God makes the electrons vibrate due to the amount of sin a person in the vincinity of the object (with the electrical charge) has. Go on, place your fingers into the mains, we are good Christians and so God won't allow us to be hurt by the electricity. C'mon Susie Q, feels Gods vibrations..........Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *fizzles* *burns*"
1. It should not be an option in school. Any more than Voodoo Healing should be an option tried out by hospitals. Or we teach flat earth and Geocentricism. OR indeed if you want Darwinism to be treated as a "religion". We want you treat the FSMists as a religion. Ramen...
2. See the thing is you seem to assume that you are some sort of divine thing. As a med student... If we were designed, God is a fucking idiot.
3. If you had any sense you would say god designed it so that it would work... Really go for something out of the boundaries of science so that you can live happy in your lie. If anything it would show your God had a sense of efficiency and indeed understood the concept of survivability and change in environment.
@FMG: Flat Earth and Geocentricism are taught in most public schools as part of science or history class... those being outdated principles and discarded "theories." :)
I fully support, and have a minor in, "Voodoo Healing" (or at least alternative medical therapies and healing techniques) from one of the most respected medical schools in the USA. I fully believe THAT needs to be taught in a day and age where no new antibiotics are being researched because ED treatments make more money than something you take for only 5-10 days and get better.
I don't even like South Park, but I still see the sarcasm.
Your idea that there is a religion called Darwinism indicates a lot about you. A lot.
So then why are the scientists not afraid of finding evidence and facts to prove them wrong or right? Whereas the fundies tell me I'm wrong for believing in more than one god, or when evidence shows they are wrong, they twist it to fit their own myopic view of the world.
And Darwinism is NOT a religion. It has no dogma nor deity. Fail
Yeah, um..... Mr Garrison was gay and in a BDSM relationship. Then he/she had a sex change and started calling Mr Slave a fag for no longer being interested in him/her.
And this is the person you want to hold up as a fundie beacon of light?
These people quoting South Park are hilarious...because they never realize that Mrs. Garrison's strawman was a deliberately fallacious and oversimplified argument.
Oh well...I never said that they could understand why things are funny...
The funny thing about it is that, in addition to that episode, South Park actually did do an episode making fun of atheists like Richard Dawkins. It's South Park, for fucks sake. They make fun of everyone and everything under the sun. FWIW, the atheist episode actually didn't satirize their non-belief in god, but just poked fun at the (admittedly half-baked) idea that wars/hate/violence would disappear forever if religion was gone.
Things should be taught as what they are, Evolution = science, and so should be taught along with other scientific ideas. Creationism = Religion and should be taught along with other religious ideas. Teaching creationism in science is as ridiculous as teaching evolution in church.
Darwinism isn't a religion, shitforbrains (Duh)....people who accept evolution do so on the basis of SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, not worhsip of a man. People don't worship Darwin the same way they do God. And there are a lot of Christians who also accept evolution as true.
Fundies (AKA creationists) are the one who are close-minded; their blind adherence to the fanatical dogma of their pastors doesn't allow them to think critically or for themselves.
This should be an option in school.
It is. It's called Bible Studies.
Darwinism is a religeon too.
Eeeyeah...no. Evolution has no God, no rituals, nothing. It's no more a religion than mathematics is, for believing that 1 + 1 = 2.
I am sorry but in the words of South Park....I am not derived from a retarded fish having but sex with a monkey creating me...a butt sex retard baby...I did not spawn from primortial soup or a monkey.....keep it up Florida...
*Snerk.* If you're gonna bash a scientific theory, gleaning a basic knowledge in it, at the very least, is helpful. And basing such rebuttals off of South Park does NOT make you look intelligent. At all.
All of you science based individuals are the ones who are closed minded..
Show us something more than the bible, and "how else could blahdy blahdy blah happen unless it was created" and we'll listen. As it stands, you have a holy text that holds as much water as a sieve, and a God of the Gaps.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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