A court in Germany has ruled that the parents of a 15 year old girl cannot stop her from continuing a sexual relationship with her 47 year old uncle that she started when she was just 14.
While this may seem like a rare victory for the sexual rights of post-pubescent females and their older male lovers, we can be certain that the controversy of this case will be used by femihags in Germany to further push for the age of consent to be raised to 16 or even 18. Already, after recent ‘strengthening’ of German age of consent laws, a female who had sex at 14 or 15 and regretted it has the right to pursue child abuse charges against her former partner – something no doubt likely in this case when the girl is gotten too by the pressure of the media and feminists, or if she ever breaks up with her older lover and decides to redefine her love for him as victimhood.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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