Reddit Fascists #racist #wingnut
White nationalism isn’t racist, it’s necessary if we wish to not be shit on by angry minorities. Plenty of extremely respectable people are turn ing towards some of the far right beliefs because they have to most clear and crisp analysis I have heard of current events. I don’t agree with everything of course. Some of their beliefs are relatively fucked, but if white people want to continue being in the middle class then we must fight for this and not let an angry mob make us submissive or fearful.
The good guys lost the war. Now we are seeing exactly what the stakes really were in ww2
Think of how many regular people who are deplatformed and doxxed by the far left for having an unpopular opinion get pushed into the arms of actual far-right groups and Nazis.
I don't want to see anyone die and suffer, but I also don't want to see my homeland overtaken by Islam and privileged minorities using the race card and lawfare to oppress other people. I'm tired of being called racist for having a reasonable view.
Glad to see someone awaken, the only silver lining of these times
Careful you don't dive too deep down that rabbit hole. The system isn't stacked against just whites but against anyone that isn't rich. Race is then used to divide the lower classes and keep them fighting each other (a tale as old as time, really.) The biggest fear of the rich and powerful is an alliance between the ghetto blacks and redneck whites