various commenters #transphobia

TRA attempt at satire - "Taking hormones to treat a medical condition is exactly the same as taking hormones just because you feel like it!"

( Ava )
I don't understand how these people have seriously convinced themselves that they have a "medical condition" and that they therefore should be "treated" with hormones.

A man with low testosterone is given hormones because we can literally observe his physical problem. Meanwhile there is no way to measure "transness." You're going off someone saying that they feel like they should be the opposite sex. There is nothing physically wrong with them.

The fact that they can so snarkily act like "dysphoria" is equivalent to observable medical issues is crazy to me.

( Edelgard )
It's only a medical condition when it's convenient though. In other contexts saying transness is a medical condition is heinous transphobia.

( shewolfoffrance )

Meanwhile there is no way to measure "transness."

And they desperately want it to stay that way. Since the goal is sexual access for unscrupulous men, it's important that no one can point to a study that would prove any of them lying perverts. When AGPs like Julia Malott say things like "we can't rule out trans women breastfeeding because it hasn't been studied adequately" they don't mean it. It's deflection and a delaying tactic. The last thing they want is scientists confirming that male nipple discharge is harmful to babies.

( shewolfoffrance )
"Oh, so you're saying cis women can use estrogen to control their hot flashes and regulate their moods, but trans women can't use it to grow boobs?"

Yes, that's what we're saying.

( PracticalMagic )
I read something recently telling prescribers that they should warn TIMs they won't grow massive bewbz on HRT anyway.

( BlackCirce )
Men who take estrogen so they can play with their self induced gynecomastia moobs are not women. I dont really care about male fetishes as long as I don’t have to be involved. They always make it so fucking complicated.



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