Those who criticize him for his methods are foolish beyond means. The ends justify the means. His goal was clear and a necessity. Criticizing him for killing such a minuscule amount of people is absolutely preposterous. He should not have done it for reasons other than your fake morality. He should have planned a much greater strategy. He was smart enough to topple our understanding of reality.
Sadly the system is, and was, in such a way that we won't ever return to where we should be, that is until we do return. Most likely after a tremendously horrific time period in human history. Then after our numbers have dropped to 2% of the disgustingly bloated number of humans on this earth now, we will return to our roots. Living off the land as we should, as animals of earth. Not as parasites destroying it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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