"Hmmm...that last line is exactly what Laura Mallory said. I just noticed your ISP. Are you Laura? Her husband? A relative?
I call BS, you didn't read any part of them (the HP books)."
Never met her. Wouldn't know her if she slapped me in the face. There is a silent moral majority. We rule this country and we will rule the universe. We are heirs and co heirs with christ. And we are already seated with Him. That's why we often sound the same. For we often speak by the same Spirit.
Is America the only country in the universe now?? Insular much?
Dude, you can barely rule your own keyboard...
I'm assuming he means IP? Most of Western Canada has either Shaw or Telus as an ISP.
Scott/Laura sounds like the flame warrior known as the Imposter BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Either that or someones got multiple fundie personalities.
This guy lives in the same town as my parents!!
So this is were the true rulers of the US and the universe live. I will be able to check with my parents and ask them many questions now. I mean of course the obvious:
Is the US not part of the universe? If it were of course ruling the universe would somehow include the US, right?
Is it harder to rule the universe or the US? Presumably the US is easier to rule because of the larger God fearing and more heavily armed population. Right?
If they can spare time from their heavy responsibilities of ruling I will get back to you with their answers.
Sorry, just talked to them. Scott is apparently full of shit. The US and the universe are ruled from Cobb County GA and we don't know anyone who lives there. Sorry again.
"we will rule the universe"
Arrogant much?
"...we often sound the same. For we often speak by the same Spirit."
Yeah, that and you're not bright enough to think something up for yourself.
"For some reason I get visions of Nazi's marching in a row when I listen to this person talk."
ENGLISH, M@&*!%$@#%&R!!! DO YOU SPEAK IT?!?!?
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."
"One of us, one of us, one of us..."
There are so many great lines to use here.
"We rule this country and we will rule the universe."
Good luck getting off the ground without those evil atheistic rocket scientists and their satanic theory of universal gravitation, and "relativity", whatever that means...
We rule this country and we will rule the universe....
so why do fundies whinge so much about how the liberals, gheys, and communists have taken over.
It is actually true that conservatives run most countries, with "liberals" occasionally getting in and pushing things foreward a little bit
What is a co heir with christ?
There might be a silent moral majority, yes, but you are not part of it. This is not silence, once you post on the internet you are everywhere, forever.
Is it fun being an automaton? Dean Koontz has written lots of horror books on that subject, you might find them entertaining...
That's why we often sound the same. For we often speak by the same Spirit.
Arrrr, the spirit of Captain Flint, 'ere. Ye all sound the same, Matey; "Pieces of eight, pieces of eight. Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming. Soooon! Aark."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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