Racial Consciousness / @Nature_and_Race #wingnut #racist gab.com
For those who are curious,
I did my first IRL flyer run in 2002, and spent the years between 2002 and 2005 giving impromptu "speeches" to my youthful White peers from the bed of my buddy's pickup truck on weekends.
I did my first IRL pro-White protest in 2006, for which the demonstration I was a part of made national news... And that same year began doing the banners on the overpass type demonstrations with a handful of my friends.
During the years between 2005 and 2010 I spent a great amount of personal time tending to an actual Waffen SS veteran of the Wiking Division, who served on the Eastern Front during WW2, and his property in Wisconsin. He built the world-famous Memorial and Honorary Hall for Adolf Hitler (feel free to google it). I even gave tours of the property for many years, as the property attracted many-thousands of people from around the world.
Since then I've participated in numerous organizations and social functions, as well as continued doing flyer runs, banner drops, and other public demonstrations. I've attended numerous private pro-White functions, and have done a fair amount of volunteer work for pro-White organizations, as well as for individual White people and White families (everything from caring for the elderly, to babysitting and caring for pets when needed).
And to this day, my favorite little hobby is making the rounds to all of the used bookstores in my state (it takes several months to hit them all) and stuffing pertinent books with "White Lives Matter" and "It's Okay to Be White" style cards.
HOWEVER, I've done all of these things independent of the RC moniker. I've never done any kind of IRL anything in connection to my RC account. When I meetup with pro-Whites IRL, I don't do so as RC.