This year I look forward to equal opportunity movies.
Next Star Wars should have at the least 52% Minority groups as storm troopers (whether they take their helmets off or not).
Latinos must be represented at least 30% of every shot
you cannot have any white Male lead actor between 18-32 (unless their character is gay or wearing a dress).
The movie must be filmed using 2 languages (if one of them is in English ) with equal time.
If an 'attractive female weighing less than 100 lbs appears in the movie then her character must kung-fu the #$%$ out of 300lb men.
Would you stop bitching? Jesus, nothing in the new film was ever absent before. Racial minorities, multiple languages, prominent women, they've all been there. It's not our fault that you've never seen it before. Though, given that it's the internet, it's likely that he's never seen any of the films in question.
You do realise that the particular 'Boycott "SWVII:TFA"' Tweet was nothing more than a troll , do you not...?!
...oh, and care to point out anytime - and by anyone - in that film, where Finn's colour is mentioned so much as once ?
Women have been Praetors in the Romulan Star Empire; I refer you to the commander of that Valdore -class Warbird in "Star Trek: Nemesis". No bitching like this about "Star Trek"; Captain Sisko. Admiral Janeway.
The Empire, and now the First Order, are clearly Human-centric ; I refer you to what happened to the latter after the destruction of the former. Thus General Organa: leader of the Resistance. NEXT!
I'm not sure why you specified only Empire troops (cough antagonist role cough) but canonically pretty much all of the storm troopers are what we think of as a minority with most being clones of Jango Fett.
You do know who that is right?
Oh sure there's multiple languages in use there's Galactic Basic, Huttese, Droid, Shyriiwook...
You have heard them slip into those languages while watching the movies, right?
Jedi can crush objects with their minds or use the Force to dramatically augment their physical prowess.
Size matters not, you recognize that line don't you?
Wait... have you even seen anything in the franchise?
So let's see, in a Galaxy far far away there are hundreds, and hundreds of different alien species (not to mention robots) living side by side, and completely able to understand each other (see Han and Chewy), but somehow human races are going to fucking matter to anyone? Mr Show already covered this actually, kind of:
Actually, canonically, the clones were pretty much retired after Order 66, put to menial jobs, and basically forgotten about.
>Next Star Wars should have at the least 52% Minority groups as storm troopers (whether they take their helmets off or not).
>Latinos must be represented at least 30% of every shot
>you cannot have any white Male lead actor between 18-32 (unless their character is gay or wearing a dress).
>The movie must be filmed using 2 languages (if one of them is in English ) with equal time.
>If an 'attractive female weighing less than 100 lbs appears in the movie then her character must kung-fu the #$%$ out of 300lb men.
Problem, Allen? :7
<If an 'attractive female weighing less than 100 lbs appears in the movie then her character must kung-fu the #$%$ out of 300lb men. >
River Tam approves of this message.*
*Also: She can kill you with her brain
"If an 'attractive female weighing less than 100 lbs appears in the movie then her character must kung-fu the #$%$ out of 300lb men."
After all, it's not as if one of the greatest swordsmen in the setting was an wizened 70 cm goblin...
If Allen is serious, does he think this is how Mad Max: Fury Road should have played out?
Max, Furiosa, Nux and the Wives encounter another War Rig driven by a male counterpart to Furiosa. He's fleeing a female-ruled version of Immortan Joe's Citadel, with the Husbands of their ruler in tow.
That ruler is after them with an army of War Girls. They join up and make their respective pursuers meet, causing a big battle. They all then go to the Citadel, blocking the pass behind them.
It's confirmed in Star Wars Rebels, which is part of the new canon.
It can also be confirmed by the fact that outside of superficial similarities between clone trooper and storm trooper uniforms, at no point is it ever confirmed that storm troopers are also clone troopers. A sort of "Absence of proof is proof of absence" deal.
You don't seem to look forward to equal opportunities movies. You seem to only see problems, not opportunities.
Women is not a minority group, but white males are.
Many movies are dubbed into other languages when they leave the US, ya know. In my youth, when visiting Amsterdam, I happened to see a Magnum episode, dubbed into German and subtitled in Dutch. The easiest way to know what he was saying, was to lip-read...
Of everything going on, that's what he chooses to complain about.
I liked Finn; the fact that he had brown skin is irrelevant.
Star Wars isn't Earth you little bitch.
Because then the next one might need to star you and your fat assed whiny bitch friends being served pots of Mac N Cheese by your mommies.
Haven't seen it yet (Always wait for the DVD)but moving on to new characters seems obvious. And after little Yoda kicking swarms of full grown men, motorized war machines and huge aliens a women wielding the force is too out there?
You are fucking pathetic, that there's a whole bunch of you overgrown children harping over this is depressing.
Hey, I didn't like the idea of a black Human Torch but only because I want the original Fanastic Four, I also wanted Doom to actually have the history that the comics built for him which meant he might have appeared in a third movie in the original run.
They in this case aren't replacing the original characters, some who even appear as their naturally older selves, they're telling stories of new characters far far away, now stop crying, mommy got your favorite root beer!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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