Couldnt have God made the earth with fossils and stuff like that in it ? just a thought
Could have -- it's called the Omphalos hypothesis, and it's been around for something like a century and a half. Rationalists don't like it because it's not testable, and believers don't like it because it calls God a liar.
Sure. Couldn't he also end all the world's ills? Or make a car that gets 100 mpg? Or maybe give people some sign he's actually real. Or cook the perfect egg?
We he real and like you people say he is, he could do anything. Of course, that would make him a liar, above and beyond his lying about the apple from the tree of knowledge.
"just a thought "
Don't flatter yourself.
God could have created the earth with fossils, and created all the other evidence to mislead us. If so, maybe it's God, not Satan, who should be called the Great Deceiver. It hardly fits the Christian idea of a God who does not lie.
Well, what's it going to be Fundies? God placed the fossils there, fossils are all fake, Science is misleading us, Fossils are a conspiracy....
Which is it?? I can't keep up with all your arguments these days.
So God likes to fuck with archeologists?
Oddly, this fits with what I think of your god but I don't think it's what you intended. Also, begs the question that, if God could create a young earth which appears old, why should we believe your figure of six thousand years? Why not last Tuesday?
"Couldnt ... "
"just a thought"
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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