Melinda Siebold #magick #ufo #fundie #conspiracy
Even though my heart and intuition told me the men known as Thoth and Jesus were the same being many years ago. But now I have a more complete picture.
My journey early on led me to the Ancient Mysteries and Gnosticism. The Gnostic creation story begins with a Source of all being who created first a Mother Goddess who birthed Father God, and together they birthed an androgynous child or Logos. Logos means “word” or “voice”. Source thinks creation, and Mother-Father give birth to creation through the voice or utterance of the Logos.
The greatest congregation of the darkness came to our galaxy, and specifically, the Earth. The liberation operative known as Cobra has said that the greatest part of “the anomaly” – his name for Yaldabaoth, has its tentacles wrapped tightly around Earth. This is a sad thought to me, as it is Yaldabaoth clinging desperately to his mother, meanwhile trapping her in his darkness.
This is why we light workers are here on Earth now. We are told that we answered Mother Earth’s calls for help to release her from the bondage of darkness. And that includes the liberation of all her life forms. And we of the 144,000 have helped to liberate countless civilizations to prepare us for this final battle.
Sananda has had many incarnations and identities. He is Ningishzidda, son of the Sirian named Ea or En-Ki. Ningishzidda is also known as Thoth, Hermes, Mercury, Zeus, Bacchus, Buddha and Jesus/Yeshua. And most likely has many other identities.
But Thoth-Jesus brought the Christ Consciousness of unconditional love to Earth two thousand years ago. It lives within everyone who has the capacity to love. Everyone who loves, has the Christ Consciousness within them. Once they have perfected that love, they themselves are Christed or are Christ’s.
And we are about to see the culmination of the Christ’s work and the restoration of Pistis Sophia and her body, the Earth, to the realms of light and love.