Gene Baker #fundie

in RV park landlord Gene Baker, who admitted over the weekend that he evicted an interracial couple simply because they were an interracial couple .

“Me and my husband, not ever in 10 years have we experienced any problem,” said Erica Flores Dunahoo, who is Hispanic and Native American. “Nobody’s given us dirty looks. This is our first time.” Her husband, a former National Guardsman of more than a decade, is black — something that bothers the racist landlord’s friends, neighbors, and church.

In February, Dunahoo and her husband, Standley Hoskins, and their two children were set to move into an RV sace to save money and “get our life on track,” the lighter half of the interracial couple explained. On February 28, she gave Baker a check for $275 to pay for a month’s rent. This should have been the end of it — she paid her rent and inexchange she should have been allowed to stay. In fact, there were no problems that first day.

“He was real nice,” she said. “He invited me to church and gave me a hug. I bragged on him to my family.” Unfortunately, the next morning, Baker called her, fuming:

“Hey, you didn’t tell me you was married to no black man.”

Dunahoo told him that she didn’t realize it would be a problem. It is, after all, 2016.

“Oh, it’s a big problem with the members of my church, my community and my mother-in-law,” Baker told her. “They don’t allow that black and white shacking.”

“We’re not shacking. We’re married,” she replied, but Baker would have none of it, explaining that “it’s the same thing.”

“You don’t talk like you wouldn’t be with no black man,” the church-going “Christian” continued. “If you would had come across like you were with a black man, we wouldn’t have this problem right now.”

Baker maintains that he is not a racist, telling the Clarion-Ledger that he only refused to provide a space to the couple because of the issues members of his church and community had with a black man and a light-skinned woman “shacking.” He even says they would be welcome to attend his church. They just could not be members, because the church does not believe in interracial marriage.

To avoid future issues, he plans to completely close his RV park down just in case he ever encounters another interracial couple who wishes to rent a space



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