afchief #fundie

This is how deaf, dumb and blind liberals are. Since the god of this world has blinded your eyes to see, you cannot see what is happening around you. Look back over the last 50 years and try and see the evil that has crept into our country. Over 50 years ago we had Christian prayer in schools for close to 200 years. Since then we have taken Christian prayer out of schools. We have passed laws to kill the unborn. Homosexuals have come out of the closet, can marry is some states, and have weakened the military and have gained inroads into every organization within our country. We elected a lawless, lying, anti-American, anti-Christian Muslim to be president who is destroying our country. Who has left our borders wide open and he is allowing terrorists into our country.
I could list dozens of other things that show our moral decay over the last 50 years but they all have one thing in common...........godlessness!!! This is what liberalism/progressiveism/socialism is.......godlessness. It is a cancer that is slowly killing out country and it is only a matter of time before it does.
And you think homos coming after pastors to marry them will not happen? Yes, you cannot see what is happening without the Spirit of Christ!!!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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