IrishTheFrenchie & VeggieAnnie #transphobia

RE: They weren't gonna say gay, anyway!
(submitters note: regarding Floridas "Don't say gay"-bill)

( IrishTheFrenchie )
The worst part about using "Don't Say Gay" as "opposition" is that the left has, whether on purpose or not, directly pitted gay rights against parental rights.

Parents: "We think it's inappropriate to teach 5-8 year olds explicit sexual material, gender ideology, or any sexual orientation, or to keep any conversations had with our children about these subjects a secret, or to keep from parents if our child "identifies" as a different sex."

TRAs/politicians: "WHY DO YOU HATE GAY PEOPLE???!!!!"

The bill has NOTHING to do with gay rights, or being gay, or losing freedom as a gay person, yet because of this stupid slogan, it's now accepted in people's minds that if you support the rights of parents to know what their VERY SMALL CHILDREN are learning in school, and that schools must not medicate/trans your children without your knowledge, or teach gender/sex ed without your knowledge, then you despise gay people and want their rights taken away.

This is a MAJOR PROBLEM for the LGB community (and the left in general) because now parents around the country are associating all that perversion and subversion (aka grooming) being taught in schools with gay people.

If a regular normie parent hears that they have to choose between their kids or gay rights, what do you think most people will choose? Especially when they've pretty much been (falsely) told by the left that all the perverted sex ed/trans shit being taught to kids comes from gay people?

This is a disaster for the LGB community and it's solely the fault of politicians trying to "dunk" on the right by screaming "Don't Say Gay"! whenever a common sense parental rights bill comes up.

I'm so pissed they invented this false association, because it's going to stick in people's heads and it's not going to be pretty.

( VeggieAnnie )
Yes. Thank you for unpacking it all and making it explicit, where I had just made a quick post.

The extreme left is behaving as if they just want to teach "some kids have two dads." But they don't. They want to teach queer/trans/furries/introductory porn/etc. And by lumping all that under the word "gay," they are giving people the impression that homosexuals are perverts. Just as you point out. […]



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