So the majority legion of Progressive have bystander effect?
Do bigoted Scandinavian know how good they have it? They have nice prisons that rehabilitate and there's little reoffending! They have the cleanest air and safest streets and the best schooling.
Why do some want the opposite? Why do they want filthy air, violence and high crime? Why do they want a terrible economy.
Surely these intelligent, well-educated people know instinctively that Muslims are good people and that those terrorists do not represent the whole.
Don't Europeans get educated CONSTANTLY about the Holocaust? They probably have anti-Nazi and anti-bigotry documentaries and shows on TV all they time! They have grandparents regaling them about how evil Fascism and Nazism is!
Western Europeans are better and smarter and live in countries with heavily-funded schools and all sorts of censorship of Nazi imagery and hate speech. Most Europeans reject the Far-Right because they are educated and know better.
Why would anyone embrace a political system THAT IS KNOWN TO DESTROY AND DIVIDE COUNTRIES?
Am I believing wrong about Western Europe's superior education systems and strict hate-speech censorship laws? I was taught that Europe was so much better, smarter, Progressive and proud of it.
How could a tiny powerless Far-Right minority get anywhere ahead in an ultra-lefty society where everyone loves Progress, Socialized Government, Peace, Diplomacy, Equality and has been reaping those fruits for years!
Sometime I think these beautiful successful Lefty Progressive utopias have some people who think peace, ease, prosperity and freedom are "boring" and crave the "excitement" of living in a war zone.
Europe should be DONE with NeoNazis! They KNOW it's bad! THEY REMEMBER IT PERSONALLY! Even if those who remember it personally are dead, their testimonies are heavily recorded and they heard it from grandparents. How could you not believe the myriad of VIDEO and AUDIO of all those old folks who suffered? That's PROOF!
No! The Far-Right wins are either exaggerated or all those young Nazi/Fascist don't believe any of it are are just finding a new way to annoy the elders! That's all it's just a phase! They're bored kids pretending to be little Hitler-Mussolinis but they're really perfectly fine with women, gays, Muslims, etc. and are being rebellious kids!
I can understand a Far-Right resurgence in incredibly poor and backwards parts of the Former Eastern bloc or Brazil or Asia but why would the part of Europe that revels in it's wondrous and prosperous Progressivism, Socialized Free Healthcare, Safer Streets, Nicer prisons that rehabilitate, etc....Like Scandinavia want to suddenly go "Hitler! Fascism! Dog Eat Dog! Uncertain Economy! Power & Wealth to the 1%! Expensive healthcare! No social safety net! FUCK YEAH!"?
Okay; My above screed was rather dumb and yes, I'm aware that otherwise very Progressive nations can have bigotry, too, especially if the otherwise peacenik hippy-dippy socialist/regulated capitalist country is mostly monoethnic. I'm aware that Lefty Scandinavia, despite being super-Left in every way, still is weirded out by dark-skinned people.
Perhaps most folks supporting the Far-Right aren't anywhere near Far-Right at all but simply see Muslims as too Conservative and morally old-fashioned and are afraid they'll lose their rights.
Yes; I'm aware that Italy is supper-corrupt and that Muslims in Europe get stuck into ghettos a lot.
That said; You'd think these folks who've been drilled non-stop with "bigotry is bad" would think once in a while.
* Either my vision of Western Europe was some American Media fabrication.
* The Far-Right is just a very tiny but loud minority who have been able to stuff ballot boxes and bribing their way into influence.
* The Far-Right stuff has been blown waaaaay out of proportion by news outlets because....RATINGS!
* Pretending to be a Fascist has replaced drugs, Heavy Metal and Gangsta Rap as the "Boy this oughta bug your parents" FAD by today's kids and they'll all snap out of it once they grow up.
* The same news sources refuse to post the fact that there's a HUGE resistance against the Far-Right but they down play it because, again, RATINGS! "Everything's fine! The Fascists are a joke and the Resistance gave them another 'owning' AGAIN!" doesn't get ratings but "The Left is disarray as everyone supports Fascism" does.
The Scandinavian establishments just gives the Far-Right parties "legitimacy" rather than laugh at them as the fakey fringe freaks they are out the fairness. Said Fashies probably stuff the ballot boxes in a way discreet enough not to be detected or leave a paper-trail and bribe higher-ups a lot. Few in Norway, Sweden, etc. are really voting for these idiots.
Maybe a horde of Russians with very convincing Western European accents have infiltrated society.
Why would ANYONE....even a person who's somewhat bigoted....want FASCISM....WHICH HAVE BEEN PROVEN TO NOT WORK AND MAKE THINGS WORSE?
On the upside, Swede; At least you state that there is plenty of Progressive Groups fighting the loud tiny fringe Horde of Hitler Wannabees.
I want to see a group of scientists work on creating a chemical or nutrient-mix that can retard, hinder or weaken the human amygdala. Shrink the Amygdala in the brain and people will respond better to "Fascism & Frummerism is bad" and think critically. Put that stuff in the water along side the fluoride or whatever!
Well; Create a mix that shrinks the parts that involve fear, uncertainly, anger and bigotry. You need the amygdala. Just deaden the bad parts a bit.