Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
Why would anybody be surprised that the Supreme Court has ruled against me, they always do! It is unprecedented to be handing over Tax Returns, & it creates terrible precedent for future Presidents. Has Joe Biden paid taxes on all of the money he made illegally from Hunter & beyond. The Supreme Court has lost its honor, prestige, and standing, & has become nothing more than a political body, with our Country paying the price. They refused to even look at the Election Hoax of 2020. Shame on them!

( @Rogue_Fenrir )
@realdonaldtrump Go cry to the wall shabbos goy

( @buckyandhiscat )
@realdonaldtrump You are a real trooper! No president's been put through such sneaky, seditious behavior ever before! Keep a stiff upper lip! Jesus is King.

( @Diego_vizc )
The Supreme Court is just part of the deep state. Pure swamp.

( @TrumpaBumpa )
@Diego_vizc @realdonaldtrump If the Supreme Court is part of the Deep State, then so is Trump--he appointed the last few, and they haven't done his bidding. If the Court is in on it, Trump is a villain as well.

( @sopokolo )
@TrumpaBumpa @Diego_vizc @realdonaldtrump all federal judges were forced to get the vaccine. Everyone vaccinated is under direct mind control by Joe Biden

( @TrumpaBumpa )
@sopokolo @Diego_vizc @realdonaldtrump If that's true, then Trump is also under the mind control of Biden, because he's had just as many boosters as Biden has. I guess Trump is a controlled asset after all.

( @terranceD )
@Diego_vizc @realdonaldtrump Of course they are ! why do you think they overturned Roe vs Wade; it was to guarantee a midterm win for Dems with 90% of women's votes...They are as evil as the rest of government, and half of them are probably on adenochrome as well...

( @Janiek13 )
@realdonaldtrump ungrateful donkeys, every one. Although, I'm surprised at Justice Clarence Thomas. No matter, if they can look at your perfect tax returns, then we can look at Barry Sotero's and all his aliases.



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