Peter Maxwell Slattery (ECETI) #crackpot #magick #ufo
Energies from the unified field which break into a vibrational state and into the light blueprint are all monitored and government by the Elohim and the Lords of Light. Humans are in their child like state and are the Sons of God, incarnated to experience and gain knowledge for the overall collective before moving to the next state of evolution. You are all the cells of Source when observed at from the highest levels.
Due to these frequencies and energies coming into the physical universe, many layers of the next level are coming into one’s evolutionary process. This is done by the energies entering your physical universe through the centre of all galaxies. As a result these energies go throughout all galaxies from their central point via the electromagnetic tunnels connecting all stars (Which your sun is also). From there, these energies come out and effect planets and satellites local to them. This process (and we will put this in a localised way for you), named the Schumann resonance, is effected and the magnetic changes upon the human race and for all out in the physical universe. This does have a bi product of effecting the other realms not seen externally by humans at this time.
From these energies from the galactic centre, the Sun blasts out solar flares, CME (Coronal Mass Ejections), solar storms that effect the planet, the tectonic plates and the energy of the planet, thus creating more earthquakes, volcanos, tsunamis, cyclones, floods, fires, and not to mention, emotions running high. This can effect ones health and also the social arena. The Pandemic is a play too, along with changes on a political scale which are being maximised due to the above.