SIN by any other name is still SIN
It is not an affair, it is ADULTERY
It is not premarital sex, it is FORNICATION
It is not homosexuality, it is SODOMY
It is not obsession, it is IDOLATRY
It is not fibbing, it is LYING
It is not abortion, it is MURDER
Don't whitewash sin, repent of it!
Josh Buggar. Roy Less .
The whole concept of 'SIN' never had the right to exist in the first place.
A&E for you lot, Josh & Roy for us.
But unlike the former - in a book of fairytales - the latter are too 'Truth'-obliteratingly real for your own good.
Also, Abraham & Isaac, David & Jonathan, Joseph, and Hosea 13:16. No God, you are the sinners.
And then the OP was an argumentless zombie.
It is not belief, it is a LIE
It is not reverence, it is SYCOPHANCY
Worshiping the one claiming to be God's son is not pleasing to God, it is IDOLATRY
Creationism is not science, it is IGNORANCE
The Great Flood was not justice, it was GENOCIDE
Bible is not truth, it is FANTASY
Don't whitewash characters flaws, get off your knees and get an education!
Whatever you say, and I say about you, 1 John 2:4.
As for your little sermon, keep it to yourself. I don't believe in sin; but I do believe that certain things, which harm other people, are wrong, unethical - and sometimes criminal.
And since there's no god, there is no sin to worry about.
Instead of determining right and wrong depending upon whether or not it offends some mythical god, why not focus on whether something is right or wrong based upon any harm it causes? Out of all of those, one, maybe two (affair and lying) could be perceived as harmful. Three, if an obsession becomes an unhealthy obsession, like stalking someone.
If homosexuality and abortion are "sins", it's strange that the bible didn't bother to put them into their Top Ten list.
Ah, but my Catholic brainwashing as a child would tell you that "Thou shalt not commit adultery" covers homosexuality, since any sex outside of marriage (God-ordained Christian marriage) is considered adultery by the church, and of course abortion is covered under "Thou shalt not kill" since they consider embryos as people.
It's not an affair, it's Orange Clown
It's not premarital sex it's Orange Clown
It's not obsession, it's Orange Clown
It's not fibbing, it's Orange Clown
With the number of ADULTERIES he allegedly has had, I bet the Orange Clown has pushed for at least one MURDER throughout his life...
I bet the Orange Clown has pushed for at least one MURDER throughout his life... least one: the deeds, words & thoughts of their 'Emprah' promoted by Trumptards on Reddit r/The_Donald - as well as the vile sewer that sub ferments the already unjustifiable thinking allowed to exist there - caused one of the turds there to murder someone else.
Which is why William Hill & Paddy Power won't take bets on said Orange Clown making it to 2020: and not just because of the result of his temper tantrum re. Pelosi & Schumer not allowing the big baby his Lego bricks.
They certainly aren't taking bets on what's about to happen in Parliament in a few hours from now.
Bookies refuse to bet on absolute certainties . Tick-tock, tick-tock, Theresa May Not...! >:D
Did r/Labour make you ultimately get yourself arrested, James Godyou'refucked ? Or make Thomas Mair murder Labour MP Jo Cox, o rabid Brexitards, UKRAP & inferior subhuman neo-Nazis...?!
All that censorship of your 'Freeze Peach' you've only brought upon yourselves : especially after what happened last week.
For all the good it'll have ultimately done you after tonight.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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