Don Sadlier, HVAC (1987-present) #fundie
(In response to: “What do you think would happen if Jesus returned?”
When He returns, not if He returns. What happens before He returns will be significant to you and me. Before He returns there will be a cleansing of wickedness beginning in the USA. How that will happen is in prophecy and we are seeing things ramping up for it. Have you seen the recent news where some are inciting violence to overthrow Trump? Are you aware of those that attempt to collapse the economy for the sake of creating chaos? Remember the protests which were egged on by those that were paid to protest? Those are the beginnings. They will get their way and all of America will break down in violence. What they plan is to place their people in power to quell the violence. What will happen is a different story, though. It will go beyond their ability to control because of other factors they didn't plan on. The end result will be that each person will have a choice to make: are they going to turn evil in order to survive or are they going to turn to God in order to survive? Those will be the great division prophesied of. Those that choose to turn evil for survival will not survive. The survivors will be those that turned to God. Even the peepers that plan on heading to the hills and live a life of self-centerdness will be hunted down by those that are evil and will be faced with the same choice of which way to turn.
In the end God will send a man that has great faith. No, he will not be like the Terminator but just the opposite. He will be humble and meek yet will have great powers bestowed upon him. He will have the ability to move mountains through faith and to cause death of goes by merely commanding it. The evil ones will see him as a weak target and will beat him. When they do it will be their last victim for he will command them to be destroyed and it will happen.
It will be through that man that Jesus Christ’s Zion Kingdom will be realized. That kingdom will be different from all other kingdoms on earth because it will be based on love, freedom, and agency. The manner of living will be unique from everything you know. Within that kingdom there will be no poor yet there will be no socialism. The citizens of that society will be the happiest on earth and will enjoy divine protection from those that would try to destroy that kingdom and society. Within that society guns and weapons are not needed for protection. There will be no prisons or jails because they would be vacant if they were built. It will truly be a refuge for those that seek to follow Jesus Christ.
After the USA comes the rest of the world in being brought to a point of having to make a decision of whether to turn evil or to turn to God. Some will turn evil thinking that they are turning to God but in the end will discover that the god of hate and war is the wrong god.
It won't be until that Zion Kingdom has been well established before Jesus will come again. When He comes in the clouds in the sky all will see Him. Those that chose to be evil will be destroyed at that time for all will have had to choose and will have made their choice. His glory will be of such intensity that it will cause mountains to melt down. Those that chose to be evil will be burned by that glory at His coming.