Regarding the murder of late-term abortion provider Dr. George Tiller
"Perhaps if the Sedgwick County prosecutors had done a better job prosecuting Tiller for how he illegally killed babies, he would still be alive," Terry said.
How, exactly, was Dr. Tiller "illegally" aborting fetuses?
Last I checked, Roe v. Wade was still in effect, and abortions are still legal.
Third trimester abortions are illegal unless there are medical problems.
Tiller performed abortions for women with medical problems, probably saving their lives. But forget the women, I guess?
"Tiller performed abortions for women with medical problems, probably saving their lives."
He did indeed save many lives, and not just women with medical problems. I was listening to Freethought Radio a week or so after Tille's murder, where they interviewed a woman who knew him personally and she explained how a Muslim woman was raped and fell pregant, and since she wasn't married, her family would have accused her of adultry and maybe even killed her (she claimed her family were that extreme). But thanks to George Tiller that woman's family never found out and she didn't have to become yet another victim of Islam's backward law of blaming the victims of rape.
Or, perhaps maybe if you people didn't lie so much for Jesus, and ascribe human characteristics to a parasitic blob of cells, Dr. Tiller would still be alive.
So take your ignorance and lies and shove it buddy, nobody needs you turning someone's death into a political soapbox.
Disregarding that Tiller had gone on trial and been found innocent.
But it is so much easier to blame the victim then look in a mirror, isn't it.
Well, you see, you can't prosecute unless a cime has been committed. Oh, and the doctor wasn't performing third term abortions as an amusing pastime.
There would never even have been a trial if Tiller hadn't been in the heart of fundieland, where he was made the target of prosecution by a relgious nutcase who held public office. He was never convicted of anything because he did nothing illegal, and SAVED lives. He also helped alleviate a great deal of pain and suffering by terminating pregnancies in which the fetuses were either hopelessly deformed or deceased, and in a few cases, where girls as young as nine years old had been raped. Thanks to your handiwork, any woman in these vast United States who finds herself in dire medical circumstances during her last trimester of pregnancy and needs a LEGAL abortion to save her life or to save her fetus from suffering through a few hours or days of excruciating pain before it dies has only ONE doctor left who will save her.
So fuck you, Randall, and DIAF, please.
Oh, and, we know all about your cheating on your wife and the fact that even your own daughter won't speak to you. Hypocrite.
"Perhaps if the Sedgwick County prosecutors had done a better job prosecuting Tiller for how he illegally killed babies, he would still be alive," Terry said.
It wasn't illegal, otherwise he couldn't have gotten a license and been able to practice.
Wanna know what is definitely illegal, though? Killing somebody who's already out of the womb and very much alive.
Perhaps if Abortion had been legal earlier, we wouldn't have to deal with any of this?
That man did a valuble service and saved many women many times. I'd like to see what you've done, asshole.
Oh, you mean how he legally suggested patients not to get abortions unless their life was in danger from a pregnancy? How he only preformed them to save the life of the mother?
I love it when you fuckers only go with what Fox tells you and deny any human side to anything you dislike so you can show your 'love' and 'respect' of others like Jesus taught
Guilty until murdered.
Law at its finest!
In what way were the abortions he performed illegal? Without him (as there seem to be shortage in doctors like him) two will now die instead of one. As the mother, who can no longer have the life-saving abortion, dies, so does her baby, as it can't survive in a dead body.
Are you people against cesarean sections too? If the fetus is viable when the pregnancy has to be terminated, surely the doctors will do a c-section and try to keep the baby alive?
The purpose of a late-term abortion is to save the woman, it's not to kill the fetus - even though that is the usual outcome.
@ Smilodon: Dr. George Tiller as one of the few doctors in this country to was willing to perform the politically controversial procedure of late-term abortions. In order to get such a procedure, a woman must get two doctors to agree that the procedure is medically necessary. The baby must be stillborn or unable to survive outside the womb, or the mother must be unable to survive giving birth (or survive TO give birth) through any means.
Unfortunately, the requirements for the procedure were always left out by conservative pundits and preachers who always focused on the "killing third term fetuses" portion. Eventually, someone who listened to these people call Tiller a murderer, who lacked either the will or the brains to investigate deeper, decided he needed to stop this "holocaust" and shot Tiller in the head. Fundies rejoiced.
This is a bad thing because there are now one or two doctors left in the country who are willing to perform the procedure which is medically necessary in dire cases. Why so few? Doctors really enjoy not being picketed and shot in the head.
What an idiot. It's not illegal to abort fetuses in Kansas or anywhere else in the United States. And despite Bill O'Rielly calling him "Tiller the baby killer," each abortion was medically necessary as two doctors had to agree that either the woman's life was in danger or the fetus would not survive. Something O'Rielly and the rest of the Fox News bunch carefully omitted when discussing him.
And Atty General Phil Kline (a fundamentalist Christian who admitted to keeping an open bible on his desk) did his damnedest to try to put Tiller away for what he thought were illegal abortions, yet a jury acquitted him. Sadly, it was just months before his murder.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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