Various Incels #psycho #sexist

(Total Imbecile)
Blackpill Just be nice: personalitymaxxed redditor causes wifes suicide


Last year I blackmailed and forced her to get an abortion, even though she detested the idea. There were times where I yelled at her and physically threatened her when I was drunk. There were times when I beat her.

But not being an asshole is the absolute minimum, every guy with a gf is totally not abusive! JFL @ anyone clamining anything but looks matters

”Since her passing I met another wonderful woman and I think I might be able to build a life again”

Shoot me right in the head tbh

People in the comments are telling him not to date but he doesnt give a fuck JFL So much for therapy being useful, it literally doesnt matter, its all about how good looking you are


suicide is never anyone's fault,

Normie fucking COPE to avoid the reprecussions of their actions. He killed her. They always do this. Make up a feel good lie to avoid what they did I HATE NORMALFAGS SO MUCH :reeeeee:

Well she made her own bed and she laid and died in it. In other words she got what she deserved for letting her partner abuse her just because he looked good and from the post it makes it seem they didn't have kids so the "I was trapped with the kids and I couldn't leave them behind" meme doesn't work, she could have left at any time.

Chad chasing whore gets what she deserves. Sadly nothing will happen to the Chad.

"So my wife just killed herself and I feel kind of bad." :chad:



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