Cindy #fundie

Is there any reason to watch Al Jazerra's news? I could understand someone watching it to keep an eye on them and what they're up to, although I certainly couldn't stomach the job. When I first learned and posted here that they had bought out the news stations and were going to be broadcasting their version of events here in the US, I saw it as a very major sign of the last days. It made me sick to my stomach to know that Americans were now not only going to have to deal with media that kisses up to obama, but with media owned and operated by people who are enemies of Christ, enemies of the US and enemies of Israel... let's face it, they're the enemies of all that's good. What they are doing is attempting to brainwash American's into believing their evil reports, just like they brainwash the citizens in the Arab countries. But then I suppose that's exactly what obama wants anyway, and certainly what the antichrist will want. Freedom of the press has now degenerated from the press telling the truth in spite of what officials like, to the press trying to out lie each other.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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