Lydia Church #fundie #homophobia #transphobia

Nothing justifies gay 'marriage' since God condemns it. (And Jesus, since He is God.)

Leviticus 18; 22
Leviticus 20; 13
Deuteronomy 22; 5
Romans 1; 26-27
1 Corinthians 6; 9-11
1 Timothy 1; 10

Homosexuality is a sin.
There is no marriage between them.
There is no transgenderism.
God didn't 'make' anyone gay.
There are only two genders.
The fall of man lead to the sin nature.
God made us male or female and we are our birth gender.

Singing any song does not alter the facts.
That song has absolutely NOTHING to do with this issue.

God loved the whole world, so He sent HIS SON to die for
our sins to save us, not just from the stain of sin, but the
power of sin over our lives, including the sin of homosexuality,
so that we could be saved from that lifestyle and the sin
of homosexuality will no longer have power over us!
We will be heterosexual, as God intended!
John 3; 16



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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