various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie

( @TrumpLongTimePatriot )

spoilerKnowing what we
know now, I'm pretty
sure Democrats
haven't been
"elected" in years.

( @waiting4truth )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot no rational person would ever vote to increase crime. how long have they been doing this?

( @latinoPatriot82 )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot the kenyan terrorist was for sure not elected. ILLEGITIMATE!


( @servantnewberry )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot TRUTH! Those who serve satan receive the glories of this world, money and power. Then spend eternity in The Lake of Fire for REJECTING God the Son Jesus Christ as LORD of their life and their Savior fro all their sins.

spoilersatan comes to

( @Tetragrammatron )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot It's how Obama STOLE BOTH HIS ELECTIONS. Hilary tried to but they didn't get the algorithms right.

( @Tetragrammatron )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot thanks to electronic voting machines, Obama STOLE BOTH HIS ELECTIONS. Take that shit to the bank. Nobody voted for that faggot other than blacks and other faggots.

( @Tetragrammatron )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot it's hard to win elections when the FBI works in tandem with democrats and Jewish Supremacy to manipulate the outcomes in their favor. (Yeah, we ALL know now)...

( @WhiteyRighty )
@TrumpLongTimePatriot Since AT LEAST 1959 and the Daley DemonRAT Machine back in Shitcagoland! 14 WORDS!



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