Some Pinkpillers #sexist #psycho
RE: Is it something wrong with male children now too?
There absolutely is something wrong with male children. And this something is not just caused by socialization but - at least partly - also by their male biology. Young boys very clearly exhibit the desire to fight, to dominate, and to destroy whom they consider beneath them. It is not uncommon for young boys to rape and abuse - their sisters, for instance. Men have basically evolved to rape and kill and male children are already practicing. And these days, they start watching rape porn and calling women "sluts" and "thots" online when they are 10 or 11-years-old already, anyway...
Personally, I've come to hate male children just as much as I hate men:
They should be thaugth to be more friendly
Women are always expected to "help" males and to sacrifice themselves in order to raise males. I am opposed to this. It hasn't worked out in the past, and it won't work out in the future. The only thing it has resulted in - the only thing this argument was designed for - was to make women responsible for the bad actions of men and make women sacrifice their time, their energy, their well-being to "help" the very males who want to oppress and rape them.
You adult men, you go ahead and teach boys not rape, not to objectify women, not to watch porn, not to glorify prostitution, not to oppress women, not to "slut-shame" them, etc.
You know most men in the world wont rape you. "Helping" boys is raising them. Do it right with other people. Give them a positive influence. Teach them about normal feminism and not radical. Let them know how they should be treated and how to treat women.
Normal feminism is nothing but misogyny. Men define "normal" feminism as a feminism that allows them to continue all the shit they've done for centuries - but this time using "woke" rather than Christian vocabulary to justify it.
No it's not misogyny. Normal feminism as that guy said is woman's rights, to become equal to males. Not to kill them all and become a species that will very quickly become extinct because females won't evolve without males. Feminists from the past are the people who got you the rights you have today. So don't dis them because you shouldn't deserve what they gave their life for.
The goal is female liberation from male oppression, not "equality" with rapists, murderers, pedophiles, and oppressors.
A chilling story about two 10 year old boys who kidnapped, tortured, raped and murdered a 2 year old toddler for fun. One of them was arrested as an adult later due to possession of CP(shocker). [NSFW] -
I did not know that. I personally think not every 10yr old boy have the instinct to murder and torture young kids. But, What do i know. I can only speak of my experience when i was 10yrs old
The best way to prevent males from harming females is sex-based separation.
6 year old boy shot and killed a 6 year old girl at school because she rejected him. Could've been prevented if schools weren't integrated. Sure, you can say could've been prevented if his uncle didn't have guns in the house. But it's just better to separate females from males.
But doesnt females harm males aswell? Think about hoe much more boeing life would become without males. Basically forcing everyone to be lesbian.
Not at the same rate as males who harm females. Heterosexuality is a disease. Women need to evolve.
So you say avery woman on the planet is superior to men?
Fuck off.
Boys 10-12 have higher rape statistics than every age of women. Just the preteens. I can barely even retell the story of Junko Furuta kidnapped by a few 14 year old boys and put through the worst torture imaginable for months until she finally died of her injuries. Not to mention little boys tend to be violent, unruly, and show affection by hitting.
You people are deranged. Fuck you and your campaign to feminize little boys. Boys are different than girls, they're not supposed to be these little quiet robots that you shove information into. They're learning machines, they're exploring their environment as all babies do. Just because they're more prone to being unruly (mostly due to the uneven distribution of ADHD among the two sexes), does not mean they are inherently evil.
Citing rare instances of boys doing horrible things is fucking nuts and you know it, I can easily find female equivalents. You people need to delete this sub or honestly just rope, there is no hope for leeches on society who sit on reddit and hate on men, deranged idiots.
Rare instances???
Yes dumbass. Are you really implying that all boys rape someone when they're a preteen?
Why is it all or nothing with you guys.
I’ve already stated that boys between 10-12 rape more people than all age categories of women do...that’s not all, but that’s not rare and it’s so hilarious when y’all try to refute this. Just like how men make up about 24% of teachers nationally but 78% of student sex crimes. Because y’all always love to say how “women rape students just as much as men” but no, they fucking don’t. Women don’t X anything as much as men, not all of them do horrible things but way more do than women do
That's because of the toxic culture that implies young boys should enjoy sex from older women. All the sex scandals from my highschool were exposed not because of reporting, but because someone else found out. Usually it's the parents.
The same way there used to be stigma around women reporting sexual assaults (which is now mitigated by all the awareness movements; sexual assault cases against men have skyrocketed), there is also a stigma against male victims. Once that is broken there will be a surge of reports on female rapists.
But you toxic fuckers make that impossible with your "male violent and bad, woman innocent and pretty amd good" mindset. What a bunch of narcissistic and uneducated jack-offs.
I couldn't count the amount of second-hand embarassment I got whilst reading posts/comments where "pink pilled" psychos were circle jerking about female superiority. And you know what's funny? Mens rights subs don't allow misogyny, yet misandry is the basis of all feminist subs. What an embarassment honestly...
Jesus Christ feminists are the ones against all rape, I’ve only ever heard men encourage students to get with adult teachers. Even had a coworker speak up unprompted to tell me how he believed men could never be raped unless the woman was ugly, and that students were lucky to get with a teacher. If you think it was “just one guy” and are blind to the massive culture of men especially online who feel this way, then obviously you must not believe that all women are the ones supporting this, isn’t that right?