[re: Boy Scouts removing ban on gay youths]
“Two percent deciding what the rest of us does,” Robertson warned, “and they are willing to destroy it. Hollywood and the so-called liberal media has jumped on board that this is the new civil rights, well I don’t think so.”
He went on to say that it “breaks your heart” to see the Boy Scouts “torn up in order to accommodate a few kids who want to do sex with each other. It just boggles the mind.”
“Two percent deciding what the rest of us does,"
You mean like when Christians try to get laws passed regarding women's rights, their beliefs as opposed to others' beliefs?
No, it breaks YOUR cold, little heart, Pat. The civilized world is OK with it.
P.S. Glad to see you admit the term "liberal media" is incorrect.
First of all, Pat, it doesn't break my heart at all. It actually makes it feel good. And second, no kid is thinking about having sex with either males or females.
The vote was 61% in favor. That's, presumably, Pat Robertson's 2% who somehow snuck in under the radar, and 59% of straight folks who thought that bigotry of his sort ought to go. I'd rather the 61% decided than the 39% forcing their views on the rest of us.
And they're not there to "do sex"; sexual activity, gay or straight, is forbidden by the BSA. They're there to be ordinary boy scouts and not have to worry that someone will "expose" them and force them out for being what they are.
Two percent deciding what the rest of us does
The old "we're in the majority - well, OK, maybe not, but the people who disagree with us are duped by the liberal media" argument.
More of the same ravings.
I first wrote this Chick tract parody about attitudes to gays about ten years ago, Pat and his ilk haven't changed much since then.
@ Liberal Christian
"... no kid is thinking about having sex with either males or females. "
Respectfully, he's wrong, but not for the reasons you give. My sexual fantasies started in Grade three at age eight. Boy Scouts age from eleven to seventeen.
And during my time in the Scouts, instances of 'toothpasting' other boys genitals seemed to me to be sexual play. (No, I didn't do it myself.)
How is it the "so-called" liberal media? No one calls it that except people like you, Pat, so feel free to drop that moniker if you don't think it fits.
Also, no one ever said that just because the kids are gay that they want to "do sex" with each other , just that they experience attraction to other boys. The Boy Scouts doesn't support or condone any kind of sex.
He went on to say that it “breaks your heart” to see the Boy Scouts “torn up in order to accommodate a few kids who want to do sex with each other. It just boggles the mind.”
..or maybe they didn't want anymore to lose members -staff and children- because of who they love.
This from the same guy who says theist women should just let their husbands cheat on them, apparently forgetting that adultery is a sin.
And morally bankrupt douche of the year award goes to...
funny how the so called "christian" right always picks on Hollywood
but yet dont ever advocate praying for celebrities.
makes u wonder if most of the "christian" right who always picks on Hollywood are actually christians
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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