mathlover & hmimperialtortie #transphobia

TRAs support rape by deception

( mathlover )
The only reason any of them ever suggest disclosing is if a male larping as a woman wants to have sex with another male. They do advise each other about this. But the disclosure is due to the fear of being beaten or killed by the other man when he finds out he has been deceived, and that fear only applies when the prey is another male. The het men larping as lesbians discuss trying to successfully deceive lesbians if they (the men) get their junk made into a fauxgina. Obviously almost none of them get this surgery and no lesbian would be fooled anyway. But the fantasy - which is rape - is ubiquitous.

The actual biological sex of dating/sex partners matters - critically, as in it is a dealbreaker - to 99.999999999999......% of people in the world. They know this but have zero personal integrity and no respect for others. That is how a rapist feels.

Ideally, whenever someone pretending to be the opposite sex (ie: "trans") meets someone where there is any possibility of dating or sex, the first thing they should say is "Hi, I'm Fakegirlname and I'm trans". And learn to live with the fact that nearly everyone is going to walk away.

( hmimperialtortie )
I’ve said for some time TRA stands for Transvestite Rape Advocates.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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