grazemasque #dunning-kruger
Good morning, climate shysters.
Yes, you. The actively uninformed.
Hey! Beyond Delusion. Wake up.
Have you you reached Peak eXtinction yet?
"You mean eXtinctum Ridiculum, Sir?"
Haha. Yeah. Bonus marks on your next assignment.
Watch your two degree tipping point, Climate Crassus.
It was plucked out of thin air, you know.
Phil Jones admitted that in a Climategate email, didn't he?
Been known for over ten years, to anyone who can read, that is!
You know there's a crisis, don't you?
A crisis of critical thinking! An intellectual crisis, you morons!
Has your paper been Pere reviewed, Fireball?
By Papa Francis and Darth Soros, I mean? (The rewl scoientusts.)
Yes, I thought as much! The "approved viewpoint" served you well, didn't it?
Cow carbon comes from the atmosphere. Did you know that? What do cows eat?
But you decided we should close down meat and dairy? Just , , Brilliant!
Let's take another look at "carbon pollution by beef" bollocks then, shall we.
Now, who hasn't handed in their "magic cows" assignment yet?
Dahh! OK then, show of hands who did? None of you? I see.
Look guys, I don't want to see any of you lazy chumps back here next semester.
So get off your paragraphs and write at least one backside, OK!
And mind your grammar too, if you want a passing grade.
Aye, dun backwuds I did. Glad to see you're still awake, Scorcher.
Now, you remember where to find it? It's part of last week's deviation.
So it's in the gallery, with all the other junk. Just look in the gallery.
Ye-e-es, the one with the cro-o-ows. That's the one.
Look, it's not difficult. It's just the carbon cycle, all right.
Standard photosynthesis. Then eat, munch, swallow. Got it?
Yeah Hotspot, I left out fart. Knew I could rely on you for that.