What you refuse to do is to acknowledge intelligent design when it comes to all of creation. You look around you and see these things and can't help but admit to the intelligence of their design. Ok, maybe you can, but not honestly I don't beleive. Chance just isn't that good, and if you disagree, take your entire life's savings to the nearest casino and put it all down at the roulette wheel and let's see just how much you trust chance to be in your favor then.
<p>What the real problem here is that people refuse to acknowledge God, therefore something else, anything else, we'll think of something, had to have been behind creation. Nevermind that it shows all the markings of great intelligence behind it. We can refuse to admit this and move on with our theories and claims.
<p>I'm afraid my commonsense overrides this nonsense!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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