Yet Another post that Wayne Doesn't Believe he is a Mammal
"Yes, men DO have mammary glands. So? That STILL doesn't prove to me we are mammals or animals."
"Yes, men DO have mammary glands. So? That STILL doesn't prove to me we are mammals or animals."
So, the defining characteristic of mammals being present in humans doesn't convince you that we are, amazingly enough, in fact mammals?
Epic, epic, epic fail.
"So this thing looks like a pig, smells like a pig, would taste like bacon or sausage, moves like a pig, has the same lifespan as a pig, reproduces like a pig, has the same basic DNA as a pig, was born of two pigs, and was part of a litter of nineteen other certified pigs? Nah, not buying it, piss off, it ain't no pig!"
Yes, this fruit looks like an apple, tastes like an apple, and came from an apple tree, but that doesn't prove to Wayne that it's an apple.
Don't you wonder where the term "mammal" comes from? Mammal? Mammary? See a similarity?
Ok, I checked for accuracy on my above statement and got this.
Humans are mammals, the most successful taxonomic class of organisms to colonise the Earth. The word mammal derives from the Latin meaning of breast, "mamma", where breasts are a consistent trait among mammals in mothers feeding for feeding their young. Coincidentally, the more scientific name for the breast is the mammary gland, which further illustrates the point.
I was close enough.
We're warm blooded, we have hair, and give birth to reproduce.
How the fuck do you not believe?
You can say a human isn't a mammal, but then you're no longer speaking English - you're speaking some private language where you made up the definition of "mammal" yourself.
Exactly. Humans have tits. The fundie loses.
"Animal" is a categorization of species with specific traits. Humans have those specific traits. Hence, humans are animals.
I mean, it's a scientific definition that is in any dictionary or encyclopedia.
It doesn't even have any conclusion, it's just a fucking classification, a way we use the word scientifically, and you QUESTION it?!!??
"Any of various warm-blooded vertebrate animals of the class Mammalia, whose young feed on milk that is produced by the mother's mammary glands. Unlike other vertebrates, mammals have a diaphragm that separates the heart and lungs from the other internal organs, red blood cells that lack a nucleus, and usually hair or fur. All mammals but the monotremes bear live young. Mammals include rodents, cats, dogs, ungulates, cetaceans, and apes. < >.
Show me one criteria that humans don't fit.
Every single cell in every single human tells us we are animals you stupid tit. It's an incontrovertible fact to all but a small percentage of religious crackpots. And changing the definition of animal to exclude humans is utterly idiotic.
Sorry Wayne. You fail at life, the universe, and everything. Your continued existence is detrimental to humanity and you are probably so full of preservatives you wouldn't even make good fertilizer. You have achieved the rare status of "worthless".
Does it hurt being this stupid?
Do you have to practise being this stupid, or does it come naturally?
Definiton of an animal = anything that has muscle and nerve tissue and consumes other organisms to live.
definition of a mammal = any animal with mammary glands.
Humans have muscles, and nerve tissue, and we eat other organisms (animals and plants) to live, therefore humans are animals, and we have mammary glands, which makes us members of the subset of animals known as mammals.
If you think otherwise then you phail so hard it's hard to express how hard you phail. I grasped that humans are animals and mammals at the age of approximately 8 or 9.
I hereby disown you of your human and mammal status and pronounce you to belong to a certain kind of rock group... there, like it better?
I do, didn't like sharing my species and class with morons like you (might get complaints from the mineral kingdom, though)
Next I expect Wayne to declare that humans are not organisms; in fact, he probably thinks the word "organism" means something obscene.
Meanwhile, I vote that Wayne is a plant.
How about hair? Does that make us mammals, Wayne-ole-bean?
No? Howzabout placental birth? Oh, right, platypi refute that. Well how about the hypothalamus? it regulates body temperature, a trait only mammals and birds can accomplish---wait, omigod, Wayne, do you think humans are birds?
Wayne, you may be just about the dumbest mammal on the internet, but you are still a mammal.
Unless rocks have learned to type.
"Yes, men DO have mammary glands. So? That STILL doesn't prove to me we are mammals or animals."
I'm afraid the blessed Stephen Fry would prove you wrong. Even with his own impressive fulsome funbags:
...but then, you would consider a gay man like him to be an animal , wouldn't you?
We all start out female in the womb; it's only when certain hormonal factors are introduced that our gender is decided. Thus is the question 'Why do men have nipples ?' answered. Therefore men - born of women: with mammary glands - are Mammalia too.
...ergo, next question, Wayne.
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