Liberals typically don't understand the difference between fact and fiction, as well as results and intent.
In media, "the man who knew too little" is a popular trope since watching someone succeed despite ineptitude is amusing. In reality, idiots never prosper unless they are puppets. Idiots can't organize something for longer than a month on their own.
The typical Trump Derangement Syndrome perspective of Trump highlights this disconnect from reality. Questioning TDS victims results in a merry go round...
Liberal "He's a big doo doo head!"
"He accomplished [any of a number of things]"
Liberal "It's because of his master plan"
"But you said that he's -
Liberal "The biggest dumb dumb of all time! With a 3rd grade reading level! "
"But... master plan?"
Liberal "He's evil! "
"Because he's a stupid pants"
Liberal "Now you get it"
"I regret talking to you"
BLM promises peace
Despite having an icon that is literally a clenched fist
And despite every city being on fire
But the fictional promise is what's important!
Or how socialism isn't communism
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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