Various Commenters #transphobia

RE: TIMs mansplaining why it's okay for women to be afraid of strange men

( hmimperialtortie )
They are the ones I am wary of. Ordinary men I pass on a busy street or in a shopping centre (the only places I encounter them) don’t bother me in either sense of the term. TIMs? Thank goodness I haven’t encountered one in decades, because crossing to the other side of the street isn’t nearly far enough away from them.

( NO )
Ugh, lucky.. I encounter them on a monthly to weekly basis.

( hmimperialtortie )
Benefit of living in a poor working class suburb, I think.

( butchplease )
"If someone demands you do something with them that makes you uncomfortable, they are not intersected in your wants/needs/feelings. Them playing victim is an attempt to emotionally manipulate you into acting against your best interests." LMAOOOOOOO oh this is RICH coming from people who are trying to shove their penises at lesbians and children!

( OwnLyingEyes )
Funny how men are suddenly able to see male violence against women....when they think they're on the receiving end of it, too.

( Boudicaea )
The one from the 6'3" man who is "so lucky" to be tall was really too rich. He just could not believe men are this bad! Poor baby

( OwnLyingEyes )
My favorite thing is the dudes who admit that when men start being scary (such as a man with vision problems down an extremely pitch dark alley) they just drop their fake Kardashian falsettos and use their real voices and he leaves them alone, because they're telling on themselves that they don't actually believe they're in more danger of violence than women, that when confronted with an unknown man, they KNOW it's safer to "out" themselves as a man dressed as a woman than be mistaken for one.
It's also just...a lot of TIM complaints about how they're extra super oppressed is like watching a kid get a small boo-boo and start bawling (except I'm way less likely to be sympathetic here). They experience the tiniest taste of what actual women experience and think it's this all new special horrible oppression that only happens to TIMs...because they haven't been listening to women, they haven't been taking our accounts of what we experience seriously, because women's oppression is constantly minimized by men.[...]



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