Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

RE: 8% of Macedonian kids in the last 20 years are from a mix marriage with Serbs, Vlachs or Albanians. This gonna have consequences in the future and people gonna have huge identity problems.

You think thats a problem? Wait til western europe and North americ has hundreds of millions of afro-euro, arab-euro and asian-euro mixed people

Should i care about Brits and Americans? Because i don't, i only care for East Europe with exclusion of Greece and Albania

You should because once the western European mixed mongrel horde reaches critical mass they will March eastwards looking for lebanstraum and every woman will get blacked or browned in their path

Macedonia should take all Albanians and put them back to Albania, because else Albanians want western Macedonia like they wanted Kosovo.

Wake up Macedonia

All women of all ethnicities fuck Arabs and blacks even asian women.

If they don't live in poland there is 0 that can be done to help them.

Thanks I will book the next fly to England and save the polish woman from blacks and Arabs. Furthermore I will try to improvise our image. Funny thing is that Albanians take everything so serious 😂


Just split it between Albania and Bulgaria and done

The Albanians are all going to move to Switzerland or Germany anyway

No, we wait and we gonna make Macedonia trad mix Albanian-Vlacho-Serbo-Macedonian country. We gonna all mix and if we lack woman we will fill the whole country with Albanian woman from Skadar and TIrana

How a country created during 90's, that has no real distinct history can suffer indentity crisis??!



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