various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
Yeah, but here's the problem with that,

Jews makeup an insanely disproportionately large number of anti-Whites.

Virtually every single anti-White initiative, anti-White organization, and even every anti-White idea has Jewish origins and Jewish leadership.

Simply put: You can't defeat anti-Whiteness without defeating those in charge of it. And those in charge of it are Jewish.

@Wanderers_Choice LOL My god you MeNots are so jealous! Ye’s Law: “Naming them ruins you. Naming them crosses racial lines which proves it’s a negative focus on them.” If the all encapsulating category “antiwhite” is not good enough for the multiracial “name them” community, that is evidence that victimizing Jews rather than ending the victimization of Whites is their objective. These are fundamentally two different communities.

( @WarriorOfTruth888 )

@NoWhiteGuilt is actually worse than a nigger.

( @kalogerosstilitis )
@Nature_and_Race if a dumb nigger rapper names the jew risking his billions his freedom his children his life probably, so can we ffs. Come on.

( @FanaticalTexan )
@Nature_and_Race The jew is like the head of the anti-White snake; remove the head the snake dies.
"These are fundamentally two different communities"
Yeah, one actually wants to go on the offensive against those that run the anti-White racket.
The other tries to keep Whites on the defensive, never gaining any ground for our people.
Guess which is which... 🤔

( @Johnnybravo88 )
@Nature_and_Race "victimizing" jews... that's like saying we're victimizing blacks when we point out that most interracial violence is committed by blacks. I don't know if this guy is a krypto-kike or just a shabbos but he has ulterior motives and helping White people is not on the list.

( @NotReallyFrench )
@Nature_and_Race Anyone who capitalizes “jews” while *not* capitalizing “Whites” is simply not the same as us.

I can understand the impulse to capitalize all proper nouns. But the AP Style is admittedly, deliberately and openly hostile to Whites.

( @mariomileto )
More about being anti-Christian than being anti-White. Being White AND Christian is just a bonus.



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