Lying is immoral.
If lying is so immoral then why is it the christians lie whenever it suits their purposes to do so?
For example, this quote from the OP...
The evolutionary theory argues that people surviving oppression and rivalry are more fit then those who don't... the people not surviving it, is less fit, and did not have a chance to carry their genes to the next generation.
... Is itself an outright lie. Evolutionary theory makes no such claim. Fitness in an evolutionary sense applies only to enviromental or other selective pressures on the entirety of a species, not on an individual., something that anyone with a basic understanding of evolutionary theory could tell you.
Truth is moral.
Unless the truth disagrees with your deeply held religious doctrine.
Since as the OP proves, evolution is immoral
Morality and immorality a concepts that require intent, somthing that evolutionary theory, as a biological process, cannot possibly have. Nor can you ascribe such intent to Darwin or any other proponent of evolution because evolutionary theory is based on over 100 years of evidence and observation and is not the product of, nor shaped in part or in whole by any one person or towards any one purpose.
evolution is therefore a lie
Thats like saying that murder is immoral, therefore immoral people are all murderers. As I have already pointed out evolutionary theory is not something to which morality or immorality can be ascribe. For you to "prove" the inherent immorality of evolutionary theory (And i doubt you would know proof if it blew you in a dark alley) you would first have to prove that every single one of the thousands of people who have made significant contributions to evolutionary theory intended to decieve, I don't even have to read the OP to know that they not only cannot, but did not, meet that burden of proof.
Do you even know what that means?