If Pat Robertson's vision of theological payback comes true, Peyton Manning will be injured this season as retribution for the Denver Broncos getting rid of Tim Tebow.
The televangelist was speaking recently on "The 700 Club," which is apparently still on television. He recited Tebow's accolades from the 2011 season and wondered whether the Broncos were tempting fate by leaving him off their 2012 ark.
"And you just ask yourself," Robertson said, "OK, so Peyton Manning was a tremendous MVP quarterback, but he's been injured. If that injury comes back, Denver will find itself without a quarterback. And in my opinion, it would serve them right."
You're speaking Satanic ways, Pat!
Jesus Christ died for your sins (remember?!) ...that was the whole point of the religion.
Wasn't the whole crucifixion thing to pay the debt of all sins?
When I first read this story on TheDailyWhat, I posted a poe response about how God's own football team had succumbed to the temptations of Peyton (which even rhymes with Satan) and should immediately return to the righteous path of Teebow.
Sure enough, a fundie has stepped forward to out stupid my post, proving once again that Nathan Poe's law does not go far enough. It is not merely that "it is impossible to create a parody of fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing," it is that it is impossible to create one so extreme that a genuine fundamentalist won't exceed it.
I think we're doing it wrong.
Maybe if we start having charity rock concerts for American sports millionaires then God will realise we've got them covered and turn his attention to those dying of treatable diseases and thirst.
Isn't it amazing that the evangelists who like American football suddenly start seeing God's work all over it. Almost like he's..... in their minds.
Pat Robertson reminds me of some babbling delusional schizophrenics I met while visiting a locked ward in the early 1980s. He has been doing so for quite some time. Makes one wonder how many "inspired prophets" and "religious leaders" are simply undiagnosed and unmedicated. Unfortunately, there are those among us who will believe anything and follow anyone who displays just the right amount of megalomania.
It's not very Christian to wish injury on anyone, including QBs, is it, Pat?
Oh, sorry, I forgot. Fundies don't know the first thing about being Christian.
To be fair to Robertson, he didn't wish Manning an injury. But should Manning be injured, then Pat says the Broncos deserve it because he thinks they treated Tebow shabbily. Still a foolish thing to say.
The truth is that social conservatives have latched on to Tim Tebow as one theirs and look at him as their proxy in the political battles of the day. It's not something Tebow asked for AFAIK.
To these social conservatives, if you don't like Tebow then you don't like (1)God (2) Christians (3) apple pie (4)America (5) etc. Robertson's comment is an example of the phenomenon.
You're really that concerned about St. Timmy, aren't you?
Since St. Timmy was traded to the NY Jets, how long before he's found in Greenwich Village on his knees, and he's not praying?
Are there people who care about Tim Tebow and Peyton Manning? Ugh. Who cares? They are both spoiled rich people...although the former is more irritating with his pious bullshit.
Also, I think Pat is getting senile.
Fuck, are we never going to hear the last of Tim Tebow - whoever the fuck he might happen to be?
If you can find half a dozen people outside of North America who've heard of him or Meyton Panning or whatever the fuck his name is, you've done very well.
But no mention - or concern - for the Bolton Wanderers player Fabrice Muamba , and what happened to him nearly a fortnight ago. I see.
Even though he is 'deeply religious'; at least as much as this 'Timmy Tea-Bowl' or whatever.
And if your 'God' - if he existed - was so concerned about your precious 'Tea-Bowl' twat, he would have never allowed him to be traded; but then, surely this example of his twisted 'priorities' (compared with, say, the starving in the Third World) proves that your 'God' doesn't exist, Pat, you senile cunt.
Moral: Americentricism. It should be illegal.
Ah, feel that Christian love. Wishing physical harm upon those you don't like because they replaced your mediocre golden boy who people only knew about him because of how much a big deal he made about his Christianity and wearing it on his sleeve.
Incidentally, when Tebow 'Tebows' and makes a fuss over his faith, he's violating Matthew 6:5, much like you do every day, Mr. Robertson.
This is so fucking stupid.
Peyton Manning is a quarterback in the NFL, of course he's going to get injured. It's even more likely since he's coming off of an injury already. And when he does smug idiots like Pat Robertson will get a kick out of it.
It's not much of a prediction or in need of god's intervention when it's already likely to happen!
Ugh! I wish I could punch him over the Internet.
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