Do you think Atheists are "closet believers" of God?
Sometimes I think they are too scared to admit there is a God.
They never do any research, they never read. All they say there is no God. They use ignorance instead of intelligence.
I would wish they would take the Holy Bible and read the whole book. Then comprehend it, And then make arguments.
The Holy Bible is so full of hidden information. HIDDEN information. Just reading it, not going to do it. You have to understand every verse. EVERY SINGLE VERSE. Trust me, it will take nearly all your life to understand the Holy Bible.
Maybe they will become believers on their death bed. I hope it isn't too late for them.
Do you think Atheists are "closet disbelievers" of God?
Sometimes I think they are too scared to admit there is no God.
They never do any research, they never read. All they say there is a God. They use ignorance instead of intelligence.
I would wish they would take the Wholly Babble and read the whole book. Then comprehend it, and then make arguments.
The Wholly Babble is so full of crap. Crap. Just reading it is going to do it. There is nothing to understand in any verse. ANY VERSE. Trust me, it will take nearly all of ten minutes to realise the absurdities in the Wholly Babble.
Maybe they will become disbelievers on their death bed. I hope it isn't too late for them.
Do you think creationists are "closet believers" of evolution?
Sometimes I think they are too scared to admit that evolution is a reality.
They never do any research, they never read. All they say is that there is no evolution. They use ignorance instead of intelligence (or facts, evidence, logic, etc.)
I would wish they would take some biology textbook and read the whole thing. Then comprehend it, And then make arguments.
Biology textbooks are so full of obvious information. OBVIOUS information. You don't have to understand every little detail, just get the general picture. Trust me, it doesn't take your whole life to understand evolution.
Fixed some more :D
Born a Christian, been one most of my life. Spent 12 years as a Sunday School teacher.
I know better now, and I'm sure I know the Bible better than you do.
Do you think Atheists are "closet believers" of God?
Sometimes I think they are too scared to admit there is a God.
They never do any research, they never read. All they say there is no God. They use ignorance instead of intelligence.
"Psychological projection (or projection bias) is a defense mechanism in which one attributes one’s own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts or/and emotions to others. Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted subconscious impulses/desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them."
The Holy Bible is so full of hidden information. HIDDEN information. Just reading it, not going to do it. You have to understand every verse. EVERY SINGLE VERSE. Trust me, it will take nearly all your life to understand the Holy Bible.
The Bible is full of evidence that it's written by God. Unfortunately, this evidence is hidden and I'm not going to tell you anything about it.
I'm not an atheist, but I know lot more atheists who have read the whole Bible than Christians who have read the whole Bible(and I know fewer atheists than Christians). And fundie Chrisitans as a rule are the world's worst about never having read the Bible just regurgitaing what the preacher has told them is in their!
The Holy Bible is so full of hidden information. HIDDEN information. Just reading it, not going to do it. You have to understand every verse. EVERY SINGLE VERSE. Trust me, it will take nearly all your life to understand the Holy Bible.
Yeah, because plain, straightforward information just isn't good enough! After all, god wouldn't want to make it easy to avoid his eternal wrath or anything, would he?
"They never do any research, they never read."
Capt'n they took out the primary irony meter!
"They use ignorance instead of intelligence."
And there goes the back up!
You have to understand every verse. EVERY SINGLE VERSE. Trust me, it will take nearly all your life to understand the Holy Bible.
And with 'understand', I bet you mean "explain away or justify every single one of the horrific atrocities carried out by God and the Israelites"?
To be quite frank, we couldn't give a flying shit about your, or anybody else's, god.
FYI, I've been on my deathbed TWICE in my 73 year lifetime.
The first time I became agnostic, the second time atheist.
If you are so utterly brainwashed by the random scribblings of ancient semi-literate goat-sodomisers, that's your problem and keep it to yourself.
I would wish they would take the Holy Bible and read the whole book. Then comprehend it, And then make arguments.
Be careful of what you wish for. That's a thoroughly demonstrated way to get Christians to deconvert.
I would wish they would take the Holy Bible and read the whole book. Then comprehend it, And then make arguments.
My entire scholastic career was spent reading the Bible and being tested on the material. My teachers were theologists, minsters, and doctors of theology.
The Holy Bible is so full of hidden information. HIDDEN information. Just reading it, not going to do it.
Hang just said "I would wish they would take the Holy Bible and read the whole book.
Trust me, it will take nearly all your life to understand the Holy Bible.
Seems to me that an omniscient being would be capable of clearly and distinctly conveying information--especially information that He demands we comprehend and live on pain of eternal torment.
We do read. The difference is that we read more than one book.
Many of us have also read the bible, and, sadly, we do comprehend it. Far more than many Christians do.
I would wish they would take the Holy Bible and read the whole book. Then comprehend it, And then make arguments.
They do. Then they say "it's a bunch of books written by some anonymous bronze age Arab goat herders. It's got talking snakes, women made out of ribs, staffs turning into serpents, people rising from the dead after three days, a non-existent "firmament" ... you actually believe this nonsense? Do you read Lord of the Rings and think Middle Earth is real, too?"
Wow, What a profound insult to my inteligence, and a sadistic denial of my whole life and being.
Thankyou Aron S... for denying me all the effort I made in trying to shore up my christian faith before I finaly gave in to rality and accepted that it (christianity) was a pathetic cult.
"They never do any research, they never read. ... They use ignorance instead of intelligence."
I've just been hit with the shrapnel of thousands of irony meters exploding simultaneously.
You can't comprehend the Bible, it is incomprehensible. Show me any passage, and I guarantee there will be one to directly contradict it.
"Maybe they will become believers on their death bed."
Nope, I'm laughing all the way into nonexistance. Or Hell. As long as it wasn't with all the self-righteous evangelists I'm happy.
They never do any research, they never read.
Irony meter 1 is down.
They use ignorance instead of intelligence.
Irony meter 2 is also down. There's an intense amount of radiation leaking in.
"Trust me, it will take nearly all your life to understand the Holy Bible."
Seems like a waste of time.
''Do you think Atheists are "closet believers" of God?
Sometimes I think they are too scared to admit there is a God.''
I think that is backwards. I think believers are closet Atheists who are scared to admit that they don't think there is a god.
''They never do any research, they never read. All they say there is no God. They use ignorance instead of intelligence.''
I think whoever said it earlier that we read more than one book had it right
''I would wish they would take the Holy Bible and read the whole book. Then comprehend it, And then make arguments.''
I guess nobody told this person that a lot of atheists are former christians, and thus would know about the bible. And that's probably why there atheists in the first place.
"There's all this information that proves what I'm saying. But it's hidden, SECRET information, that you can hunt after for years and years without finding. So just take my word for it."
If I claimed this about, say, a theory that all of Congress are really space aliens in disguise, I'd get laughed out of almost any room in the country. Claim it about the Bible, and a lot of people will give you a pass, even people who don't agree with you or believe in your book. Because we have to "respect" people's religious beliefs, you know.
You have to understand every verse. EVERY SINGLE VERSE. Trust me, it will take nearly all your life to understand the Holy Bible.
Sorry, too busy playing Crysis
here again xtian fundies display their egocentric worldview. "closet believers of god?" of course they're talking about the xtian god, because of course every other god is false. so what, are muslims closet believers of god? completely retarded.
I would wish they would take the Holy Bible and read the whole book.
For the love of God stop saying that, if everybody read the whole Bible and sincerely tried understanding it there wouldn't be any Christians left. So the best thing for you to do is; DON'T read the Bible, just keep listening to what my buddies and I tell you and you'll do just fine.
Hidden info huh? I bet you are all still looking for it. But god is just holding it above your head saying "get it, get it!"
Btw, I stopped reading my book for a bit to check this blog. After all, I am on break from school in which I just got 100% on a test that no one in the history of their school has ever gotten. No lie, just truth
Many of us became atheists after reading the Bible, stupid.
To understand it, you need to study the ancient texts, in Hebrew and Aramaic, and to know the history and culture well.
I have read the bible, cover to cover. I am very familiar with three different versions of several books. At the risk of sounding immodest, I know it a lot better than most of the would-be missionaries who try to preach to me.
Funny thing though, when I demonstrate that my knowledge is more complete than theirs, they always say, "Well, you're not a believer. You have to read it as a believer to really understand it." In other words, I have to read the bible to become a believer, but I can't actually understand it until I become a believer.
Your lot has never been able to explain how that works.
"Maybe they will become believers on their death bed."
Well, if that's all it takes, then fine. Troll/Poe/Nuts4Life, I'm looking at you .
Because if one of your fundie kind says that's all I have to do, then anything you can possibly say - via your 'threats of 'Turn or Burn' - are worthless, thus fucking up you fundies' whole 'Great Commission' thing, and spoiling your 'revenge fantasy'/self-righteous fun. Just like you, with your 'OSAS' & 'Grace through Faith Only ' Paulian bullshit which means you can claim to be 'saved', yet still act like douchebag cunts to everyone not exactly like you, then all I have to do is be my Atheist self right up to before the point of death, just think 'I want to be SAVED, Jayzarse! I BELIIIIIEVE!', and that's me all sorted, re. the 'Afterlife'.
Aron here said so, I didn't. He's a fundie just like you dearie, therefore he's correct in his 'claim', as opposed to any & all your own 'claims'. Who's right? Who's wrong? Let the fundie fight begin...! >:D
"Sometimes I think"
Not a chance.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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