EricAllonde #sexist

RE: Female models make more than male models

1:38 seconds in, they admit that women make 10 times as much as men. Females want equality, yet when it comes to modeling the males don't get as much and they don't get any kind of defense.

I know many former models and they weren't happy they were getting paid far less.

Whenever I'm talking to a feminist about the gender pay gap myth, I always make this offer:

"Let's do this: you feminists go solve the gender pay gap in the modelling industry. When you've done that, show us how you did it and I promise we'll look seriously at rolling that same solution out across other industries".

I've never received an intelligent, considered response to that proposal from any feminist. Mostly they just swear at me and call me a misogynist, which is good because it reveals just how seriously they aren't taking the "problem" we know as the gender pay gap myth.



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