The virgin birth can't be proven OR disproven, so it is not illogical to think that it occured (I believe in it).
Say it with me here, folks:
Just because two claims are mutually exclusive does not mean that they are necessarily equally entitled to claims of plausibility.
A woman getting pregnant from having sex with a man is a reasonable claim that can be accepted as reasonably likely. A woman getting impregnated by an incorporeal spirit, without her ever having had sex with a man, is on the face of things physically impossible and is thus not so readily accepted without some form of extraordinary evidence to prove it.
Good luck coming up with it.
~David D.G.
The virgin birth can't be proven OR disproven = Null Argument.
Believe what you want, and leave other folks out of it.
No, actually, it is illogical to think that it occurred without any form of evidence, even if it hasn't been disproven. It is simply not logical to go about believing that things are true without evidence to support them simply because there isn't any evidence to the contrary. That is the ticket to believing in any number of improbable yet possible things, and is better known as "wild-ass guessing". It is not logical as it is not a proper method of arriving at the truth.
When all observeded pregnancies required a certain contribution by a man and the foundational biologic mechanism heavily depends on it it is absolutly illogical to believe that a virgin birth happened.
There is one exception: if Maria belonged to the lizard people and Jesus was a transgender, then it would at least be possible.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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