GOOD the government is not allowed to have a sponsored religion anyway.- evolution.
We have man, we have monkeys
If evolution is true then where are all the various stages of monkey men?
There are NONE. yea, yea we know billions and billions of years blah blah blah
Nice phony religion, that evolution is.
Just remember the next time you kiss your beloved that you are kissing pond scum slime from the primordial soup. NOT!
Evolution is not a religion, no matter how hard you try to argue that it is. Show me people worshipping Darwin, going to Churches of Evolution, and revering it as anything more than it actually is and we can talk. It is simply a revolutionary (as of 150 years ago) scientific theory that is supported through many different venues, and that people try to ignore in order to best prevent their own religions from being undermined by facts.
Also...knowing that humans evolved from other animals, slime, etc. should be no more of a problem to human interactions than knowing that they are composed of atomic particles. Seriously, give it up.
I know fundies don't read books, but here's a link to a free movie you can watch on your PC:
PS - It is not a documentary, unless maybe you're smoking a little pot.
If Americans came from Europeans, how there still can be Europeans?
And about the kissing, your Bible says we were made out of dirt, so what's the big deal?
Excuse me but according to your religion aren't we kissing DIRT when we kiss our beloved(which is pretty close to pond scum slime)? And you need to get a dictionary and look up the words religion, evolution, monkey, man, and dolt(I just threw the last one in to show you what your other ignorant statements show you to be).
Big difference between monkey and ape.
Evloution suggests that we may share a common ancestor
with apes, not that we came from monkeys.
These fundies put down Darwin without reading anything he wrote. Most of them I've talked to can't even tell me the
title of a Darwin book.
Also, I think these dummys first need to clearly define
religion and THEN try to fit evolution into that definition.
I'm sure sone of them will create a stupid way to do it.
Evolution: A theory which states organisms adapt to their environments to survive.
A theory is NOT religion. Evolution is NOT a religion.
Religions have a deity and a dogma. Evolution has neither.
And it does not say we come from monkeys.
Does anyone who disagrees with evolution even know what it fucking says?
Another person appealing to their emotions - they so strongly feel their human "dignity", whatever that is if they live in a world where they are chattel for a Supertyrant, is violated by the very notion that they could be "related to pond scum", that they reject it on those grounds alone. That, and the fact that they know absolutely nothing about evolution.
If we came from our parents, and they came from our grandparents, then why do cousins exist???
We have various stages of "monkey" men. Its just that they are also sapient species. The first being Australopithecus.
Of course we remember that. We tempt these lovely collections of pond scum slime that are pretty ladies into our boudoirs with such witty phrases as "Hey baby, I am DNA helicase... Want me to unzip your genes?" (Read it out loud...)
Look we are a damn sight better than those engineering students...
Oh, fuck me running, my IQ just dropped by 5 points while I read this.
@FMG -- I just fell out of my chair laughing at "want me to unzip your genes?"
GOOD the government is not allowed to have a sponsored religion anyway.- evolution.
Evolution isn't a religion. Unlike religion, it's falsifiable by observation. This argument was already tried and shot down by the courts.
"There are NONE. yea, yea we know billions and billions of years blah blah blah"
Ummm, yeah... that 'blah blah blah'? If you'd listened to that bit when it was explained to you, you wouldn't be a moron of such monstrous proportions. If you could just wriggle your head free of the sand a little , so you've got at least one ear taking in information.
Nice phony religion, that evolution is.
Channeling Yoda, you try. But fail utterly you do.
An Idiot you show yourself to be, yes.
Apparently, to a fundie, creationism is science and evolution is religion. Also, black is white and night is day.
"yea, yea we know billions and billions of years blah blah blah"
So basically, you've chosen to deny the facts, hoping that it will make everything go away.
Well, if this is what the 'Wedge Strategy', 'Teaching the Controversy' etc is reduced to, then Phillip Johnson & co...:
...don't even have a pot to piss in any more, as this - the last weapon in their agenda's 'arsenal', after their complete annihilation, re. (un)'Intelligent Design', post-Kitzmiller vs. Dover (and even before then; Edwards vs. Aguillard) is useless.
'Teach the Controversy'? When your 'Wedge Strategy' movement - and it's indoctrinated followers as per the quoted one here - is reduced to Drama Queenery on a Joan Crawford/Rarity-esque scale such as this, then the only controversy is that generated by you yourselves. Why is there none in the scientific establishment as a whole, o Phillip & co...?!
But that espoused by Phillip & co. is . Just ask the Honourable Judge John E. Jones III, re. Kitzmiller vs. Dover, Phil: and he's a Dumbya -appointed Conservative Christian himself .
Enjoy your paradox, o JRS. >:D
If creation is true, where are the talking snakes? And the unicorns?
Nice phony shit, that religion is.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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