Vijay Prozak #elitist

[From “Sociopathy”]

It goes this way with every mass revolution. Some wise guy stands up and says, "It's them" - the wealthy, or powerful, or good-looking, or gifted; take your pick, or combine - "they live well, while we starve. They oppress us! If we crush them, we will live in paradise!" And so the mob surges forward, and while they certainly murder a few people who deserve it, like decadent nobles and sex predator clergy, for the most part they exterminate or disable the few people with the brains to help them. Keeping your thumb on the fast-forward switch, you can see how in another generation, when the impetus of the revolution has run down, there are no more spoils left to divide, and no more excess wealth upon which one can feast. The nation is collapsing, and the revolutionaries are betraying each other in a desperate attempt to keep a grip on not wealth itself but the slippery concept of how to produce it on a consistent basis. At this point it becomes clear: being able to work a farm or factory does not imply being able to run one, from a design and decision perspective. Since the people are without direction, the demagogues rise, and soon authoritarian rule prevails.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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