Pat Robertson saw the silver lining in the violent atrocities perpetrated by the so-called Islamic State, telling “700 Club” viewers today that “maybe the best thing that ever happened to the world is for these crazies in ISIS to keep on beheading people and doing some of these extreme things.”
His remarks followed a Christian Broadcasting Network report about accounts of ISIS members leaving the terrorist group and converting to Christianity.
Robertson, who last year revealed his excitement that the terrorist group is bringing about the Last Days, explained that once more Muslims and others realize that ISIS is the true face of Islam, they will leave the religion.
"once more Muslims and others realize that ISIS is the true face of Islam, they will leave the religion."
why billion of people should leave their religion, because minor group of terrorists claim to have the only true interpretation? that like claim that everybody should stop being Christian because the WBC exist.
"Robertson, who last year revealed his excitement that the terrorist group is bringing about the Last Days"
I remember seeing Patty on TV being excited about the Soviet Union bringing about the last days.
Ok, you lost me at "saw the silver lining in beheadings".
Pat, you've officially moved from mostly harmless crazy old coot to dangerous crazy old coot. Assuming, of course, that I hadn't missed the transition earlier.
Regardless your views and motives, cheering the beheading of anyone that has done nothing wrong, let alone YOUR OWN GODDAMN PEOPLE is just plain wrong.
When the end comes, Pat, the look of surprise on your face when Jesus gives you the finger will be priceless.
And here I though this was a (mostly) harmless idiot.
Guess Pat's a much more vile, hateful and sadistic monster than we thought.
Pat, if you think people being beheaded by ISIS is a good thing, then by all means, volunteer to be their next victim. If you really believe your crap, you wouln't mind being a martyr, now would you?
“maybe the best thing that ever happened to the world is for these crazies in ISIS to keep on beheading people and doing some of these extreme things.”
The folks who ended up beheaded or at the end of a cross might disagree.
So, Pat, who is the true face of Christianity, then? By your logic, it must be the KKK.
Could be, if you really want to get into a torturous vicious unfeeling religion that olde fashioned Christianity would make some extreme Islamics shudder.
Pat's a clear example, the suffering of others is always a joyous sign to him, he prays for extreme punishment of the masses. Ever see Hellraiser? That little chubby demon with his lips pulled back and gnashing his teeth, that's based on Pat.
No Muslims are gonna stop being Muslims because of ISIS. Maybe at best some Wahhabi types and other fundamentalists who don't agree with ISIS will take a look in the Koran and at the Hadiths and see that ISIS are nutjobs and then they'll convert to a more moderate Islam.
@Insult to Rocks
Don't forget incels apparently.
Vox doesn't have shit on Pat. Pat's proudly, and publicly befriended African dictators (Mobutu Sese Seko, and Charles Taylor) over the years, which enabled him to purchase gold and diamond mines in their countries, complete with slave labor, and operating costs covered through one of his charities (Operation Blessing). Few, if anyone else in the Religious Right hold a candle to him, and his deeds. He's pretty much a real life super villain. If there is any such a thing as evil, Pat is very much the face of it.
On the other hand he does apparently believe in evolution, and the Big Bang now, and thinks young earth creationism, and Ken Ham are ridiculous:
Alas, ISIS is practicing pure, original Islam, the way Mohamed founded it. Of course, Islam has changed greatly over the centuries, and most Muslims no longer adhere to the fundamentalist form. But ISIS has reverted to the fundamentalist form of the original Islam and is trying to drag the entire world back into the seventh century.
explained that once more Muslims and others realize that ISIS is the true face of Islam, they will leave the religion.
Which will take a while as ISIS no more represent the true face of Islam than the KKK represents the true face of Christianity.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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