This world is full of various religions - All of which I disagree with but all of which I can live side by side with... With the exception of Islam... Its time for all reasonable open-minded people to admit that Islam is a cult of slavery and death... This is a world-wide social desease we cannot afford to live with...
<p>Since Islam proper will not stand up and take the responsible position to rein in these animals or even condemn them, we can only conclude that they tacitly approve of and even collude with these murderers...
<p>Islam has lost its right to live in peace in this world... Its time to take action...
It seems to be a trend to create your enemies.
The Muslims have denounced this act, even if a supposedly religious terrorist group is claiming responsibility.
It wouldn't surprise me if this might have been pulled by the British secret service or they might have "turned their heads and coughed" when they got tipped off.
Damn, am I conspiracy theorizing again?
"Since Islam proper will not stand up and take the responsible position to rein in these animals or even condemn them, we can only conclude that they tacitly approve of and even collude with these murderers..."
Just replace "Islam" with "Catholic"
"This world is full of various religions - All of which I disagree with but all of which I can live side by side with... With the exception of Catholicism... Its time for all reasonable open-minded people to admit that Catholicism. is a cult of slavery and death... This is a world-wide social disease we cannot afford to live with.
Since the Vatican will not stand up and take the responsible position to rein in these animals or even condemn them from molesting children, we can only conclude that they tacitly approve of and even collude with these molesters...
Catholicism has lost its right to exist in peace in this world... Its time to take action"
See guys, instant fundie!
I reject the notion that Islam is a religion of peace based on my reading of the Qur'an, my experiences, and what I have read (,,,,
I also reject the notion that Islam and Christianity are morally equivalent. The 2000 people killed in the Inquisition and the people killed in the Bible pale in comparison (,,,, ) to the many more people killed by a far more violent doctrine. You are free to disagree, but please do not call me a "racist", as Islam is a religion, not a race. And as the word "Islamophobia" makes little sense to me, that will only seem like ad hominem babble to me.
Its funny really. Before 9/11 (where a lot of the Muslim hate is from) the biggest terrorist act on US soil was home-grown McVeigh, a good Christian zealot trying to create race wars and stuff from his attempts to recreate events in the Turner Diaries. To boot, the people who pretty much trained, helped, and influenced him never have apogized or condemned his actions. Atleast, the writer of the main sources of his inspiration haven't.
Asking for Muslims to be responsible for every damned terrorist and not even acknowledging such groups exist in thier own religious "family" is rather hypocritical I think.
Admitedly, I"m strawmanning a bit here. But basically the actions of the few do not necessarily represent the views of the many is what I pretty much am getting at.
And stuff.
And how many Christian terrorists attacks can you name in the last two centuries? There have been 8314 Islamic attacks since 9/11 ( and there is nothing approaching the global Qur'anic command to murder infidels (in the Bible, it's commands by God for tribe X to kill tribe Y) in the Bible or any other religious text.
Saying Islam is a religion of peace is nothing more than ill informed, PC, naievete.
'Its time for all reasonable open-minded people'
Unfortunately, it seems you're not included. We're sorry. You can come back when you get a clue.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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