Soloma369 #magick #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

A Declaration of Liberation, a conspiracy of the people.
This plan considers all parties and governments of the world and the enigma that is Q, it will be a simple willful intention of the people to free themselves of the shackles that are government and the monetary system. This plan ignores religion which we acknowledge will thrive/wither on its own vine, it will work itself out. The work is done with love and gratitude, it will be an understanding of Alchemy/Majik realized by participating in the conspiracy to free your Self and by extension Others.

We accept Q as a psyop that is working as intended[…]

The three demands are surrender of all world governments to the people, a symbolic reflection of this by moving to the third-party/middle and full unredacted release of all their information. Supposedly Q is doing this, we should support it and demand it of all the governments. In this way we will find out who serves who.

This plan is reflective of my own work and understanding of "how things work" or the way of things, I perceive myself as a philosopher/alchemist. I suggest making these three demands in any way you see fit, take it as far as you perceive you need to to make it go viral. Take responsibility for it, own it or blame me, either perspective is fine. Once you have made your push, walk away from all of it (10 days) to the best of your ability. Turn it all off, do some-thing else, let Source/Spirit/God do It's Work. In alchemy, this is reflective of the digestive stage, it is a time for reflection and inflection. Get with family/friends, if you think/fee like sharing what you are doing with them, go for it but do not be combative, you are not trying to make any-one believe anything, you are simply sharing you are taking responsibility for your life and this is how you are doing it, thus setting example.[…]



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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