David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
The "Star of David" is not a Biblical term. The symbol is an occult symbol. Israel, just as the United States, is controlled by the New World Order gang. It was the Rothschilds, and not God, who put Israel back on the map. Certainly, everything happens within God's permissive will; but God did not cause the tyranny and bloodshed, stealing people's homes, which is how Israel came to be a nation today. Jesus said He will regather Israel when He returns at the Second Coming, and not before. Hitler was a Rothschild. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Satan is the god of this world, just as 2nd Corinthians 4:4 declares. We see far too many articles on the internet today exposing the occult, but not enough that tie it all in with the Word of God.
Folks, a bunch of facts will never make any sense until you shine the Light of God's Word upon it. The Word of God is the missing key. Satan is the god of this sinful world, and he controls his servants through occult organizations, such as Freemasonry, Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove.
The term "Illuminati" refers to the highest and most evil people in the pyramid structure. Few people realize that Communism is simply a mask for the New World Order. Please read about The Lucifer Trust.
The capstone of the pyramid is symbolic of the antichrist, who when he comes will complete the pyramid. The beast system is now being prepared, aka, the New World Order. Below, you can get an idea of the power structure of these occult groups. If you want to do research, look up the various groups on the internet, such as the Mother of Darkness.