Lynne Rondell #fundie #magick #quack #crackpot

There's been a portal, a lot of portals that have opened up, nine i think i spoke about this earlier, nine huge gateways and portals have opened up all around the planet bringing Christ consciousness energies in down to humanity.

These energies are very high frequency, a very high level of light. The Christ consciousness energies are the highest vibrating light and love energies. These energies have been streaming in for four to five days now. It's going to be one more day.

It's a huge blast of high frequency energy. A lot of you are feeling it, i've been feeling it, there's ringing in our ears, there's extreme tiredness, there's nausea, there is sort of inability to ground the body that makes you feel like you're actually up here in the ethers causing some panic, some anxiety and just causing you to feel not right in your body, we're gonna say but this is all part of the Christ consciousness high frequency energy and light that's really been pushed through these gateways and portals all around the planet.
I'm a vegetarian more vegan and some cheese that's it and a little bit of egg. So i just felt like i couldn't get enough protein in my body but really that wasn't the reason at all it was that the energies have such a high frequency and such a a blast of light came through the whole planet, my angels tell me, was illuminated in this big white dome of light to really just flush it everywhere.

It actually flushed through all the different fairy kingdoms, the crystal realms, the elemental realms, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, everybody got a high frequency blast, everybody raise their vibration. So we're going to be a left some of us with some of the effects.



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