Mack Major #conspiracy

My apologies...

Some of you have gotten a whole lot of emails from myself and Eden Decoded in the past few weeks. And you may have seen a bunch of 'please give' messages on my FB page, wondering what's going on.

Simple answer: We've been canvassing every available person we have a connection with in order to raise money to keep the site going. It's been a hard past few months as the site has gone down every single month since July due to a lack of support. It's down again now.

If you've been following my page for a while you'll notice how my posts have gone from several hundred likes, shares and comments to barely even a dozen. This is not random or accidental. It's purposeful.

My page has been targeted by a certain social media company. And they're trying to erase my presence from the internet. They don't want my message heard. And they don't want you to connect with me or my work anymore.

This is why my posts 'seem' like they're no longer being interacted with. Which hurts my ability to promote my ebooks. So I have to find alternative ways to get enough money up to keep my site from going down when the bill comes due each month.

The reality is this: I am being targeted. By social media giants with billions of dollars and tens of thousands of employees. It's just me, my small team and Jesus. And of course there is YOU.

You are the variable in all of this, because without your help my presence online may cease to exist. After all: God doesn't step down through the clouds to meet our needs. He meets our needs through other believers. And if those believers do not avail themselves (for whatever reason), God's work will be hindered until suitable help can be found.

I'm here on social media for YOU. And the Eden Decoded site is there for you as well. If it ever comes down to us not being needed any more, I'll gladly fade away and find something more lucrative to do. I don't get a salary for writing ebooks.

If you care about the existence of the site and having free access to the info I provide, I need you to give something. Like right now. If you can't give you just can't. I understand. But most folks can do something - even if it's just a little.

If the site has blessed you, my articles have helped you, if you're going around teaching and preaching my stuff as if you came up with it, or if you only get my products when they're at a steep discount - help out today. Now's your chance to be a blessing to someone else.

Think about the folks who need to hear my message, just like you did at some point - but can't. If nothing more do it for them and pay it forward. See link below. God bless.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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