Regarding the chocolate sculpture of Christ:
"one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever."
So, if it´s made of wood is ok, if it´s made of chocolate, not being irrespectfull is not ok?, what about ice?
Got a big Chocolate jeeesus, makes me feel good inside, got a big chocolate Jesus, keeping me satisfied. [/tomwaits]
Seriously though, chocolate was a rather divine comodity in South America, from where it originated. So, a chocolate sculpture of a savoir would make perfect sense to me. More sense than a fundie anyways.
So eating a piece of his body in the form of bread is good, eating him as chocolate is bad.
Good I'm glad we cleared that up.
Bread - Good
Chocolate - Evil
So eating a piece of his body in the form of bread is good, eating him as chocolate is bad.
Good I'm glad we cleared that up.
Bread - Good
Chocolate - Evil
I don't think it's an assault on Christian sensibilities at all! I think the sculptors have some kind of equation going on: Jesus=Love. People love chocolate. Chocolate=Love. Therefore, Jesus=Chocolate.
(BTW, I'm a Catholic, but not a fundie. I think that a chocolate sculpture of Jesus is a good idea. Also, I think that fundies are idiots who give their religions a bad name.)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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