Incels Wiki #sexist #crackpot

Women arrest in their development sooner than men and are thus more childlike and less complex

There are a few sex differences among children such as greater egalitarianism, preference for dolls and pink color in girls, but most differences are small up until the age of 9-13. With puberty, which girls experience earlier, the sex differences start to increase drastically and girls, on average, stop in their development in around the age of 15, whereas boys continue to mature and grow substantially another 2-10 years, depending on the trait. Seemingly, human females have been selected to retain their neoteny which is in line with their natural subordinate role and people's preference for females that are easy to control and conscious of their reproductive task. Below is a list of traits in which concern arrested development in female adolescents:

Women retain crying behavior of young adolescent girls as discussed in the previous section.
In terms of brain metabolism, the adult female brain is on average a few years younger than the male brain (Goyal 2019).
Women are more likely to initiate intimate partner violence, which could be related to childlike tantrums.
Women are overall more neotenous in their appearance and behavior.
Women keep a high pitched, childlike voice, resulting in a large sex difference in adult voice fundamental (d = 5).
Women have a lower IQ which matures earlier.
Women and children have better episodic of object positions and faces that adult men.
Women are shorter and stop around 2-3 years early growing.


There are various explanations for women's arrested development. First, due to higher parental investment, men have to compete more for mating opportunities by Bateman's principle. As a result men evolve to specialize and outcompete each other in physical strength, competence etc, so men have evolutionary pressure to evolve additional complexities and abilities that women don't. Secondly, men and their families prefer women that are easy to control to avoid investing family wealth in some other man's offspring, selecting childish, cute women. Thirdly, any kind of dimorphism tends to get exaggerated by sexual selection.

feminist media have propagated the idea that women mature earlier with the implicit assumption that they reach adulthood male maturity earlier, with boys continuing engaging in reckless games. In truth, girls appear to get stuck at a lower level of maturity, but they are often more agreeable and compliant which hence might cause a more mature impression with regards to school achievements and ability to sit still. Male's competitiveness not being channeled into something that produces social value due to being actively prohibited is then immature by comparison.


Up to the are of around 11 sex differences are small, but then boys differentiate accompanied by an increase of blood testosterone. (Source: Handelsman et al., 2018)


Women pretty much arrest in their physical strength in their mid-teens, whereas men experience more substantial growth up until their 40s.


Females reach their final, shorter stature 3 years earlier.



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