Cyrus A. Parsa #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger
In respect for and the sprit of Black History Month, the Black Community and the security of humanity at large, I write this article as a warning about China CCP, their racism, and ask that it be shared for everyone’s sake.
When I immigrated to the U.S from Iran as a child, I lived amongst the Black Community for 6 years, and learned English, Football, their culture and got to feel, experience and understand their pain and strong spirits, personally. I then lived in an all Anglo-Saxon area in the Midwest, learning their culture and the way they think and feel. Yet, nothing concerned me more than what I experienced living in China when I would leave the fighting Monks in the Mountains to visit the cities for supplies.
In 2019, wrote in the book Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity, that the Chinese Communist Regime heads slandered Blacks by calling them Monkey’s and Apes. Middle Easterners Rodents, Whites Pigs, and everyone knows how they treat their own citizens by putting them in concentration camps.
Further, the CCP is expanding its BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) from China, to the Middle East and to Africa. This means, once they have laid the 5G-6G towers, created monetary, supply and psychological dependence on the African people, the CCP can surveille, control and enslave the black people against their will with Artificial Intelligence and even put them in concentration camps in the future. Robots, drones, facial recognition and other A.I. based machines can be used to enforce racist policies against the Black Communities or put them in enslavement.