Taylor #homophobia cnn.com

The general rule is that discrimination is allowed. We discriminate every day when we change TV channels, buy one brand of soap over another at the supermarket, or choose friends. Certain exceptions to the general rule of allowing discrimination have been made. One exception is for "immutable characteristics", for characteristics one cannot change, like race or gender. Another exception has been made for religion since our country was founded on religious freedom and it is enshrined in our Constitution.

Homosexuality is not immutable like race or gender. Homosexuality is, by definition, a behavior. You are not a homosexual until you engage in a homosexual act. Liberals have created the term "sexual orientation" which is a meaningless phrase, a political euphemism, as if one's sexual urge is fixed at birth, like a board game wheel, in any one direction: a man, a woman, a dog, a vase. The best science can say at the moment is that a propensity for homosexuality is genetically inherited by some people. Then, environmental factors, such as overpopulation, work to catalyze homosexual behavior.

People should be judged by their behavior. Therefore, discrimination against homosexuality should be allowed. Churches should be allowed to discourage it. Children should not be taught it. Private groups and individuals should be allowed to exclude people who engage in that behavior. However, I believe it is morally wrong to discriminate against any individual based on that individual's group classification. This applies to homosexuals, cops, or even yuppies. But this would not make a practical law.

The purpose of marriage is procreation (but, it is not a requirement). Homosexuals cannot procreate



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